Wayne's father, who went to England from Jamaica in 1952 to help reconstruct the "father country," considered himself British. Wayne "grew up with the understanding that we had to be more British than the British". But for Wayne, living in the U.K. is a different story. He now thinks of himself as a Black British African Caribbean man since each one of those aspects make up his story, and all of them make him the man he is. Wayne finds the white privilege in Britain, and his constant need to be on guard about how others perceive him, to be exhausting. This compelling video ends with the question, "Isn't it time for us to be more accepting of differences and embrace the beauty of others?"


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  • Likalynn

    ALWAYS good to hear this and similar messages as we can not truly know others' experience only try to better understand it.

  • Diana Turner-Forte

    It’s way past time for people to be more accepting of differences and embracing the beauty of others!!!! Looking into the souls of people takes practice and a listening heart; and slowing down. Perhaps that time is closer than we think. Thank you Wayne for the introspective reflection.

  • Carolyn

    I'm inspired to treat all people with kindness and equanimity being aware of the unfair treatment so many folks have received.

  • Helen

    I am inspired by Wayne’s humanity, honesty, and courage of the heart.

  • Susan

    I love the Nic Askew style soul biography black and white photography. His comfortable identities are when he feels relaxed and undefended.

  • Page 1

  • Read this brief description about why Wayne participated in the video. 
  • Learn about how mindfulness can reduce racial bias
  • How do you respond to the question posed by the video, is it time to be more accepting of differences? How can you, today, "embrace the beauty of others"?

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