Many of us are looking for ways to slow down, be just where we are and allow our minds to drift. But how to do that and not succumb to guilt for "doing nothing"? Just look up, says Gavin Pretor-Pinney, founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society. As he shares charming photos of nature's finest aerial architecture, Pretor-Pinney calls for us all to take a step off the digital treadmill, lie back and admire the beauty in the sky above.


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  • caroleen

    Cloud spotting!! Love it.. so true! I love watching clouds!

  • Malissa Haslam

    I live in Northern New Mexico where we must have THE MOST beautiful & changing skies! Subsequently, I've watched clouds & been their admirer for many years. It's wonderful that there's an official organization committed to their inspiration!! How do I join?! Wonderful presentation!

  • Page 1

  • Fly into the wondrous world of cloud appreciators.
  • Members of Oregon Natural Desert Association  share their love and learning from the clouds over the eastern Oregon desert.
  • Today, go outside and find a view of the sky. Lie down and look up. Lose your small sense of self. Find your connection to our shared sense of Self; up there in the clouds.

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