Knepp Estate in Sussex, England has led the way in "rewilding" farms since the 1970s. Rewilding is also called conservation farming with the idea of allowing nature to take over. The caretakers have gradually allowed plants and animals to roam and grow without human intervention until it is time to take the livestock to market. This philosophy of farming is like taking one's hands off the steering wheel and believing that Nature herself knows how to heal the land as she finds wholeness again. Biodiversity has thrived on Knepp Estate as species roam free and live in balance with each other. Farm animals live in harmony with wild animals and ultimately, farmers have discovered that they can still make a living by working with nature.


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  • Linda Henry

    Dudley Gilmer,one of the other responders here, said it well: use Knepp's marvelous contributions to this invaluable cause as a meditation resourse. Living in an untamed forest in Oregon USA, we greatly appreciate these approaches and are sharing with other like minded folks dedicated to the cause. Thank you.

  • Linda Lipinski

    What hopeful possibilities & dedication of the people involved. Truly inspirational.

  • Bec

    Letting nature take back her course - what an inspiring concept that gives some hope for undoing some of the human atrocities committed against biodiversity

  • Sandy

    So many hopeful possibilities! I can almost take off my grieving shroud for the planet!

  • Rachael Denny

    The possibilities are endless...

  • Lourdes

    Our jungle in the Amazon is being destroyed, can you believe it? Our fight against oil exploitation and wood industry is so hard. This is beautiful what you are doing, but we have thousands of species endangered.

  • Barbara

    This says to me that we don't need to 'control' everything in order for nature to thrive. As stated in the video numbers currently do need a degree of management due to the size of the estate but how wonderful if a corridor of wildness could be developed the length of Britain to allow us to back-off even more. A great step for these people to take. Inspiring. xx

  • Dudley Gilmer

    This is marvelous and humbling. I’m using it as my “devotional” meditation for this week.

  • Manoj Kabre

    Nature is a great healer, and knows what is right and when is right. Just imagine the way it has allowed the entire world to sustain existence. If we really ponder over it, then we realise that this is a GREAT JOB ! What has been done at Knepp Estate is aligned to this utter truth. Not only does it impart benefit but also gives a lot of learning, although it takes a bit longer time, I guess. Patience pays !

  • Patrick Watters

    Cotta Family Farm in Lodi, CA and Freehand Farm in Placerville, CA are local examples of farms which are also wildlife sanctuaries. 👍🏽

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about global rewilding through the Global Rewilding Alliance (GRA).
  • Read about what steps you can take to support rewilding in your own yard. 
  • Ask your community garden or city park administrators to consider rewilding a small corner plot or park. Let it evolve without human intervention. See what wild plants, flowers, insects and animals begin to find a home this area.

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