If local and traditional agriculture feeds about 70% of the world population, it means diversity is the way, the solution to our current problems of soil empoverishment and destruction due to imposed industrial agriculture engineering methods... We have the power to change this for our own sake and the future of humanity at large. It is our moral duty, our responsibility.
michal naftali
I am amazed at the enormity of this problem
J d e G
Vandana Shiva is a visionary leader who is changing the world of Agriculture
I feel so angry at the way corporate agriculture has deceived farmers and created a hunger culture. Kira s comments echo my own
It increased my awareness and understanding of seeds, farmers, evolutionary changes that have occurred, monopoly over seeds and the abuse of power, and how delicate and balanced one needs to be in using pesticides and genetic modification, and overall how we humans are sustained on this earth. Thank you
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Steve Thompsen
Very well done. Unfortunately the profit motive has become embedded in almost all human activities. I would like to think that through education like this film and through the efforts of individuals who can rise above seeking material gains, we can challenge the corporate culture and do what is right.