It seems so sad to me. People who are engrossed in this idea that they have everything figured into motions that are predetermined. To me life doesn’t go that way. Life is full of twists and turns. Of Disappointments and regrets. To people who fail to understand eternal life life is final and in its finality it offers no hope I would like to think that the creator of the universe the Almighty God has much more for us than our figurative minds can never imagine. To me finding salvation light is the key to unlocking understanding death. If we look at Christ in his sacrifice we find suffering and when we are able to turn to that suffering we are able to unlock the truth of our humanity. Jesus said I am the light of the world and no one enters into the father’s presence without knowing me. I think if we can as a community think about the enlightening understanding that that brings. We can find true hope!
The protagonists spirit. Reminded me deeply of the woman who took care of me as a baby and then for 30 years continued to take care of everyone she encountered with kindness and love. NEVER ever saying a mean word about anyone or anything. When she died, her body was not mottled as many people who die...her skin looked like a pearl, unblemished and pure the way she lived her life. She lives in my heart every day even after 32 years of her body being gone. I aspire to be more like her, although not successful as she was-without trying.
Marje Stickler
Its simplicity from a well grounded spiritual person. She radiates beauty and truth.
Rose Tarquinio
I have never heard of a Death Walker and I am very intrigued by it. I used to work at a local Hospice and I loved helping families talk about what each was avoiding. The family didn't want to upset the person who was dying and the person dying did not want to upset their families by talking about their fears and hopes. These were some of the best conversations I ever heard and then I would silently leave the room as they carried on. They were eternally grateful and I was eternally blessed to be a part of such an intimate conversation. I always felt I lived life to the fullest until I had my mastectomy on 2-9-12. Currently my 17 year old grandson is battling osteosarcoma bone cancer and he will be done with chemo shortly before Thanksgiving and had 2 major surgeries 6 days a part. Every day we all have is precious. THank you for sharing this information with the world. God bless you
I love the term "death walker" having not heard it before. I agree wholeheartedly with Aralyn as it is SO important to talk about dying, death and dead to truly appreciate living, life and ALIVE!
Toby Adelman
Loved this video. Arlyn is, indeed, a delight to encounter here in Trail of Light. She reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: "The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are." Marcus Aurelius I plan to shift into the space of being a Death Walker. Thank you, Aralyn, for sharing your wisdom and practice. Beautiful.
monika Andreas
I’m not afraid to die. I have lived my life fully and have much to humanity by teaching yoga classes for over forty years and offering conscious raising workshops in my yoga center. I traveled a lot and saw much of our beautiful planet and would like to travel a little more. I’ve been blessed with three sons, who have fabulous wives, seven wonderful grandchildren and now two great grandchildren-I am blessed in so many ways, especially, with good health. Thank you for confirming what I already know. I like the idea about leaving a trail of likght.
Aralyn has such gentle grace, wisdom and peaceful clarity. Very grounding with a message that needs to be heard by all.
Barbara Alaimo
I need to start connecting in a meaningful way with those I love so there will be no regrets for not saying what I wanted to say. I shared a eulogy with my dad before he died. I didn't tell him it was his eulogy; just why I loved him.
Thank you dear Aralyn! I also love the subject of death and am fascinated by all aspects. I was a chaplain in hospice and loved that work and hope to return to helping people die with grace.
We are all death walkers, some a bit more reluctant than others. I think the fear of death is none other than a fear of the unknown. At age 73, I know death is stalking me but I no longer fear the stalker. Life and death; the opposite ends of the same continuum, can’t have one without the other.
Amazingly beautiful and gentle.
Dear Aralyn Doiron, you have brought me back to my Song, the feeling of Beauty in every living thing on a day where I suffer from having left energy where it doesn't belong. Weeding my garden had provoked only exhaustion about its abundant overgrowth of wild strawberries under falling leaves. The treasure of your film mirrors the treasure of the life I live. Thank you for the Passion!
loWell Brook
What a beautiful life! Aralyn creates the world around her that reflects her inner peace and harmony.
Eileen Campbell
Such wonderful authenticity Aralyn shows in reminding us how important it is to be mindful of death's inevitability, but how in facing it we are able to live fully. Thank you.
Ellyn Hartman
I’ve experienced numerous deaths personally and professionally (nurse). Is there a group offering your workshop in the US? I’m interested. Perhaps on zoom? Thanks ellynwhartman@gmail.com (California)
Naomi Rose
This film is really beautiful, with a quietness and heartfulness that's quite touching. This woman, the "Death Walker," embodies a grace that I would like to live with (and die with). Very sweet.
Value what I have now in this moment,
Diana Probert
Refreshingly honest and I really appreciate the openness about death and dying. I love the Trail of Light image and leaving the earth a better place - grace - beautiful.
Shova Maharjan
Thank you Aralyn for putting it together so beautifully! Indeed, we need to live responsibly and enjoy how best I can make it.
Don MacWatt
A bright and positive perspective from one who creates and communes. Shared sensitively Mandarin generously. A lovely soul.
Lanny Cotler
A friend who often refuses to look closely at what happens BEFORE DEATH, if not to him, then to so many others. I asked him to watch this video I made a few years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Xh5eN2fXY I hope you do, too.
Rachael Wild
May I adopt you as my sister? My thoughts have been echoing yours, particularly since becoming 50. Every day we can create the light we want to leave in our wake..this pushes me to live in each moment.
Kristin Pedemonti
Here's to being a trail of light, thank you Aralyn for such grace and beauty in speaking about death <3
Leslie Gernon
What a beautiful reminder/tribute to being as okay with death as one is with life. I remember reading about Bhutan and their measure of GNH (gross national happiness) and wondering what it was in their lives that contributed to their happiness. About a year later I learned that folks in Bhutan remind themselves 5-times each day that they're going to die (which makes each day, perhaps each segment within a day, rich and meaningful).
Really mmoving and full of light! Thanks for sharing, I was touched by how Aralyn's reflection of death makes her transmit so much cherish for Life. Namaste, Aralyn!
Brenda Finne
Beautiful! I love your heartwarming story. Thank you Aralyn, I've always felt how you do - thank you for putting my feelings into this beautiful film.
Dan Brooks
Hmmm? I knew the truth about being conscious about our impending death and, more so, that it can come at any minute, demands that we be more conscious about our living as well.
Thank you, Aralyn, for touching my heart with your movie. I just accompanied my sister on her journey into death. Now I know and understand what peace is. One of our Austrian philosophers used to say: Usually we either know something or we believe in something, Where our knowledge ends, our faith (believing) begins. Only with death this is not the case: We know that we are going to die one day, but we do not believe it. Living every day as if it was the last is hard... but for sure it makes life more intens. This was so clear in your movie.
I love the death conversation! I love the aliveness of transition, I love living with awareness and kindness for the experience. Thank you for bringing this conversation forward with so much love.
Thank you. Beautiful.
Very beautifully done - and said. Some wonderful quoteable moments including, "I'd like to know that when I die I have done no harm." ... one of many
Great lesson on impermanence, nothing stays the same, everything gets moved around. Like the way Aralyn ends the video by saying she would like to lead a trail of light at death. Embracing reality of death joyfully makes us truly enjoy the life by living each moment!
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I am a End of Life Doula in Green Valley, AZ. Learning about death has given me comfort in knowing that I will say everything I want to say to loved ones before I leave this earth. Each day I allow myself to be vulnerable in expressing love. My adult children aren't comfortable with what I'm doing. But looking back, I can see that the grandmother who cared for me when I was newborn and not expected to live, has given me many gifts. She was a midwife during the Great Depression when she would sit with people who were ill and dying. She was always comfortable with death. At the end of her life, she visited nursing homes and hospitals and sat with the dying and their families. Her work has come full circle with the work that I'm doing now. I love how she lives on in me and I hope I am inspiring future generations to be open and honest in considering life and death.