Knowing truth when I hear it.
The way Stan directed us within to feel our sorrows and the to acknowledge our kinship, Right Relationship’,. To ask, how did we get here? And to move into a loving relationship.
There is an extraordinary wisdom that comes as a gift to us from indigenous peoples. We ought to listen with acuteness to what they have to say and teach us. That said, I am an individual with very poor hearing and when trying to listen to many of the KarmaTube videos, I miss a great deal to my dismay. Is there a way to get subtitles on the videos that I may not be aware of? Thank you for your consideration
We are obliged as human beings to follow, among others, our Indigenous elders' advice and Pope Francis, who also sends a similar message of solidarity and of tenderness for the Earth & each other. Can we survive if the wealthiest and the most powerful men on the planet don't feel the same?
Antonio Rey
Stan and I share the same soapbox. I too, learned about how not to live from my Yaqui/Mayo father. Along the way, I have had several mentors, medicine men, curanderas, and others who all have said what Stan is saying. I was adopted into a Lakota/Dakota family and since have sundanced and vision quested for 17 years. If I dwell too long on all the horrific things going on I get stuck in sorrow. One of my mentors said that it is important to not lose HOPE. Hope and faith keep me going forward despite the terror and injustice being handed out to our Mother Earth and the remaining Indigenous people. I'm currently writing a book about my 34 years as an active spiritual representative of the Lakota spiritual way of life. Much of it will be hard to accept and understand by many but I'm writing it anyway. My instruction from the spirit world is to pray daily for the healing of Mother Earth. I believe much hardship will happen before all of humanity truly wakes up. Thank you Stan.
Claire Willis
this is so moving and heart breaking. This is such an important clip. The healing requires not only our humility but our action as well. Our predatory ways - what a compelling phrase. We have so much healing. Perhaps the pandemic has finally shown us how interconnected we are - that we are kinship with all. . We need to remember that and act from there.
He tells the truth. I once spent a week on the Navaho reservation and I learned a lot. When we first arrived instead of respecting the indigenous people we took from them and then pushed them out of their country. $$ and power and greed have taken over. Will we ever learn?
"only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realise that we cannot eat money"...19th century Cree
H.Carol Schmidt
The wisdom of Stan Rushworth. And yes there is too much work to do . Thank you.
Everything! Ian Mackenzie's beautiful photography and artistry in producing the film; Stan Rushworth for who he is, his wonderful voice and penetrating insights telling us his story and how our story needs to change. Thank you, Ian! Thank you, Stan!!
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The depth of knowledge Stan has brought with him from his heritage is an enormous gift to humanity. it's not about eliminating any human you deem unnecessary, it's about the value of each human because they are a child of the Creator and their life has purpose and meaning. Each soul has a purpose driven life and Mother Earth helps people find their spiritual life!