STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is one of the fastest growing career fields in the past decade, with the number of jobs increasing by 24 percent. However, people of color are under-represented in the technology labor force. Code Fever is working to even the playing field in Miami, Florida. When Code Fever launched, they were focused on training, and they have created boot camps and hack-a-thons to help educate kids and their parents on various aspects of coding, including technology, design, and entrepreneurship. Code Fever now has classes and programs for kids, parents, and adults that teach them how to put their coding and tech skills into a tangible product.
Alice Kast
I was deadened--breathless--STEM sounds wonderful until you notice the USDepartment of Education is pushing it as a way to use the enthusiasm of our children as food for the war industry. I couldn't force myself to watch again after seeing Catholic Worker people being arrested in VA while simply being present while bus loads of 5th graders were presented the exciting STEM programs without being clued in that such exciting things as robots were used instead of humans for war; weather controlled for causing earthquakes etc.