“Welcome to My House”, a collaboration between non profit Voices of the Children and band Luc and the Lovingtons, features American teens and Syrian refugee youth singing a cross-cultural message of joy, love and peace. The video was filmed on site at the Za’atari Refugee Camp and Wadi Rum in Jordan as well as in the Skagit Valley of Washington State, USA. Most of the youth, participants and locations featured in the video were a part of a greater on-going program created by Voices of the Children which provides free arts classes and cross cultural collaborations between Syrian and American teens.


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  • Beverly

    Wonderful and inspiring. Thank you Luc--I will keep joy in my walk, love in my talk, peace in my house!

  • Erin

    This is someone following his heart and not letting any "but what about..." stand in his way. Hope is alive and well in the world!!!

  • Rena

    So beautiful and inspiring! Wonderful to hear and see something postive and healing!

  • Diane Conti

    The love and purity on the children's faces brought me to tears. I live in Turkey and have good Syrian friends. Although I would miss them, I hope one day they can go back and rebuild their lives. Allah bless all those afflicted by war.

  • Ricky Knue

    For sixty years I have lived in Skagit Valley and loved this place. Mt. Erie is a most special place. My parents were immigrants. Many of the students pictured in the video are my current students. Anything Jason Mraz puts his stamp of approval on is celebratory. Everything about this video inspires me to continue to connect to Oneness and the Divine. Children of war and children of toxic stress can come together and share joy and love and creativity...everywhere.

  • Carolyn C. Miller

    Beautiful, inspiring .... please send it far and wide to awaken the good angels in all of us. They are there!! They just need to be reminded that love is ALL there really is real in this world.

  • Mike

    Absolutly heartwarming with a message that needs to shown and Shared throughout this cruel and bitter World.. Loved it.. And thank you ....🌹

  • Joanie

    We need this love and compassion our planet ,and in every heart around the world. Comes at the right moment in time! You guys are so inspiring!

  • bea

    the smiles! love and fun!!! true joy!!

  • Timo

    Amazing. Such an uplifting video thanks Luc and the Lovingtons,

  • Zinat Fazal

    Wow, touched my soul! Beautiful, just awesome!

  • Deepak

    Thank you . Inspirational . Joy , love , peace what we really need in the world at this moment of violence , hatred and intolerance .

  • charlene

    I am so thankful to experience this video tonight. We had sad news of a deportation of a beautiful being tonight. He is 18 and being sent back to violence in a country he has not lived in since he was 12. May blessings be sent to him from this community and may we all imagine joy, peace and love in all our houses throughout the world.

  • chad harper


  • Kristin Pedemonti

    I love the song, and the message, but it would be really great if more of the actual reality of what it is truly like being in a refugege camp is like, it's nice to see kids having fun, but i think more powerful would also be how incredibly challenging it is to be in a camp. Too many Americans already believe it is no hardship to be there and have little understanding of the sacrifices made not just for a few months, but for decades. how great if we opened more of our homes for real here. Whew. An apologies, I usually post super positive on here, but knowing the reality of camps from friends working there long term as psychologists, this puts a happy joy spin on a very difficult life. Hugs all around. i do thank you for sharing joy, especially needed in camps.


    The Oneness we are is emerging and growing like a tidal wave that will not be stopped- keep singing - keep loving -keep TRUSTING - WE ARE ONE - thank you for affirming this and demonstrating this reality that the part of us that does not get it- GETS IT!!!!! LOVE IS ALL THERE IS -I LOVE

  • Sara Schultz

    The pure expression of love through faces and music was an inspiration! Thank you!!!

  • Brian

    Thanks Team. What a treasure. Joy, love and peace. Giving thanks. When we have purpose we receive joy. Walking in love is a great purpose. May we be encouraged in peace as our priority.

  • Etienne

    Speechless! When sadness rears its head and hatred takes hold ,these images will soften hears and minds.

  • Rokaya

    That my Dear is why I am so proud to be an American citizen.


    I love this video.Just tweeted to some twitter friends. I'l watch it again

  • Sara

    Thank you for bringing, sharing and BEING the joy, compassion and LOVE! May it spread around the globe!!

  • Page 1

  • Members of Luc and the Lovingtons traveled to the Za'atari Refugee Camp to teach art and song writing courses. Find out about their ongoing humanitarian tour.
  • Voices of the Children pairs teens around the world in collaborative arts projects to shine a spotlight on humanitarian crisis, promote social advocacy and inspire positive change.
  • Make new friends by attending a class or event at a community center in a different neighborhood from your own.

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