"The world is missing what I am ready to give: My Wisdom, My Sweetness, My Love and My hunger for Peace." This beautiful short video, dubbed a "love poem for your heart and soul," empowers all women to stand up for who they truly are. Let the emergence of the feminine in you blossom as you watch this film.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Donna

    I love this video. It spoke to me in that we each have a calling and, no matter what, we need to each rise up, overcome ostacles, believe in our strength and gifts to serve others and make the world a better place. I am disappointed this video is no longer available for viewing. I was referring someone to it this morning when I noticed the video cannot be viewed. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to see it? Vimeo is requiring a password to a private network. If I knew the filmmakers I would contact them to purchase it.

  • Lynn

    What inspired you about this video? I rise every day today is yet another Today I rise

  • Cordula

    Thank you so much. I watch this sequence whenever I Need some strength and it helps me to reconnect.

  • Elsie hui

    Thank you thank you . Much blessings

  • ani

    Incredibly powerful and motivating. The profound message of the feminine energy evokes strength and courage to move forward with the heart's call. Deep bows of gratitude.

  • mikki

    the she is the world

  • Mary-Jo

    As I am about to volunteer my boundless knowledge about financial literacy to younger women, I reconnect with all that we all are everyday, everywhere, and I find courage.


    Power, love and peace <3

  • Helga

    The speaker's accent makes the narration difficult to understand. And sorry, but the woman in that famous black & white Depression-era photo of "Migrant Mother" (Florence Owens Thompson) in the video montage was FSA exploited by another woman, FSA photographer Dorothea Lange. We have a way to go.

  • Divya

    Beautiful pictures!!! But they would be even more beautiful if everything would be slower so that one could absorb them deeper!

  • Danette Lawrence

    The beautiful images of the Divine and Mighty Feminine are inspiring. The world is in peril and all people must wake up to help Mother Earth heal.

  • Florence Perrot

    To listen to beauty,softness,creativity.To trust that love is lived and shared everywhere and all the time

  • Deepak

    Thank you . A powerful message for women globally to arise and claim your self respect , dignity , and achieve what is rightfully yours , irrespective of religion or whatever faith you follow.

  • Lyn

    What inspired you about this video? Beautiful video, so inspirational and empowering.

  • le

    Women's eternal quest to bring peace into the world. Stop the wars from killing our babies.

  • dee

    The beauty, powerfulness, and charge to RISE today...and everyday...even in the seemingly small, ordinary, moments that make up my day. Using my/our wisdom, sweetness, love and hunger for peace will impact the world!

  • Mariette

    We are woman we are mothers we are teachers we are lovers we are sensitive but we always rise

  • kim

    The beauty. What an inspiration for Women to RISE

  • osalinas

    The strength of women everywhere.

  • Raquel

    To do what I need to do

  • gayathri

    Love it love it love it....yes today and everyday we rise...

  • Mandi

    The power of the quiet strength women possess. Beautifully done.

  • Alanna

    One of the finest examples of how art will save this world that I've come across, modern mastery of many art forms coming together to capture what is beating my heart and the hearts of so many. We needed this shot in the arm. I did. Very much. Perfect timing.

  • Riza

    'The world is missing what I am willing to give...'

  • Cordula

    "I transform my Anger into power..." wow. That's it. As a raw vegan I found loads of power and I am going on with my work on improving the german School System towards Fairness for children from all social backgrounds. Wish me good luck! Words transform. Transformed we transform the world. Thank you very, very much!

  • Richard

    Together we are stronger, reach out and help to heal

  • Bindu

    This touched my soul, lifted my spirits when I was feeling low and gave me the strength to look forward to me.....

  • Emma

    Thank you so much for creating this video. It was moving, powerful and inspiring. Just what the world needs :)

  • Ava

    Beautiful video, I love the message with its tenderness, strength and vulnerability!

  • Astrid

    Lovely. It reminded me of a powerful poem of Maya Angelou: "And still, I rise" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JqOqo50LSZ0

  • Donna

    Wow! Just what I needed to see! Well done. Beautifully written and edited. I long to know my purpose and to get to work without delay, using the talents with which I have been blessed. I yearn to make a difference through the power of storytelling and video. This is a wonderful example of what I aspire to do with my talents - uplifting, empowering women to know they are can accomplish what they feel called to do for this world.

  • Kati

    The women in this video are so beautiful and so many and so varied and so moving! Also the poem, which is really reminiscent of Maya Angelou's "Still I Rise" just fits.

  • Kathy Kearns

    WOW! Very moving and poignant! Very well filmed!

  • Yvonne

    That they made the big decision to "do" whatever had been holding them back.

  • Eloise

    Exquisite call... Rising. Thank you <3

  • Trina

    Exquisite message with beautiful, transformative images. Thank you for this inspiring video!

  • Tamara Ubach

    This is a beautiful video, I love it. I think as women we do have so much power and it is due to the depth of our love and our passions. If we could learn to love and support one another better then we truly can rise and be so very awesome!

  • jer

    I am an avid fan and follower of KarmaTube. Today's edition is beautiful - beautiful imagery, beautiful message...May Today We ALL Rise! Namaste.

  • Monique Pol

    Inspiring touching my heart.

  • Cynthia

    Great for SoulCollage work with archetypes and committee.I feel it would be a welcome addition to any workshop presentation, both on archetypes and committee parts and our process as women of owning our truth and rising to our calling. Enjoy. Jeanne Marie

  • Woman

    Beautiful and strong words! "The world is missing what I am ready to give: my wisdom, my sweetness, my love and my hunger for peace...Today I rise..." I love it!!!

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about the creator of this film, Blaze of Grace, an organization that unites visionary thinkers in leadership, science, healing and personal development.
  • Listen to Maya Angelou read one of her most beloved  and influential poems - a paean to resilience and dignity - Still I Rise.
  • Bloom as you are - you are enough.

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