A film by HooplaHa.

In 1999 Saranne Rothberg was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer.  As a single mother of a 5 year old she knew she had to find a way to maintain a positive outlook. While undergoing treatment she decided to throw a 'chemo comedy party,' a way for her and those around her to access the healing powers of humor. This was the beginning of Comedy Cures. Her foundation has now helped more than a million people at over 1400 different events. Their mission is "to entertain, educate, and unify grown ups and kids living with illness, their families, and medical caregivers." One of their earliest functions was called Funday Sunday, a therapeutic reunion for children of the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack. Thought they are based in New Jersey, Comedy Cures has held functions all over the US and around the world. They also use multi-media technologies to reach more people via internet or phone. Some of their programs include Laugh Out Loud Support Groups, a Laughing Lunch, a Laugh Talk Radio Show, and a Wellness Joke Book which is delivered to patients, caregivers, homeless people, senior citizens, and US troops.  But the most important thing they provide is hope. As one client says, "Everything focuses mainly on the illness.... Comedy Cures focuses on your life (and) living beyond the illness."  And that can make all the difference.


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  • Learn more about Comedy Cures and join them for an uplifting live event near you.
  • Make a Wellness Joke Book (directions) and send it in to Comedy Cures or share it with someone you know who could use "get well card."
  • Listen to a joke at the Comedy Cures Laugh Line, 1 800 HA HA HA HA, or leave one of your own. You have the option to hear a professional comedian, hear an amateur joke teller, hear laughter, or record your own joke or laughter.

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