When Nelson Mandela passed away at age 95 this week, the world mourned the loss of a man whose sense of social justice was never corrupted by power and whose capacity for forgiveness was limitless. Mandela’s greatness is not simply that he was an inspirational leader in a freedom movement that had an urgent moral imperative; it is in large part about the way in which he acceded to power in South Africa and began the healing process in a tragically torn society. In this film, Maya Angelou reads a prose-poem in tribute to the memory of Nelson Mandela, issued by the US Department of State on behalf of the American people.


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  • Ruth

    People of such character as Nelson Mandela show us what we can be with love, forgiveness and patience. Few can present such strength. In this time of shattered belief and leadership we must cherish this special humanity. Maya your words add music and hope to our challenged humanity.

  • Kathleen

    What inspires me is the greatness of the man himself (Nelson Mandela). His example inspires me to want to be a better person.

  • Beverley

    I am never lost for words until now.Madiba you gave us hope and another chance to start over again.I am humbled that I was here when you walked out of prison,I too am free of my self imposed prison.Dr Maya much honor and reverence to your gift of prose and the spoken word which you so eloquently dedicated on behalf of the American people and the world. May we heal ourselves and each other and this world.

  • Loni

    That such intense love and reverence was expressed in words so softly spoken and yet so full and completely strong. Thank you, Maya Angelou, for allowing me to feel with you in honoring such a courageous man of spirit who gave everyone their dignity and thus gave humanity a more beautiful face.

  • Carrie

    This was a great tribute to just a piece of what this great man did in his lifetime! Very emotional!

  • Pamala

    🌿❤️Every single word & heart felt sentence as it poured out of your mouth w/ such ease as you are such a Great Poet as he was & is still a part of the most important kind of History...Humanity!You Maya Angelou have put it so eloquent ...Words fitting of a King & Master of Royalty.TheBesu kind of Royalty...Human Rights.Thnk you Maya Angelou for this beautiful poem & these beautiful word as you speak & represent all of us as Nelson Mandela...Madiba! I am Honored & Blessed & to hear thse words you'd have brought to us.He is Honored w/ Dignity & Grace as I imagine this Poem to be the easiest maybe yet ever that you have so Graciously composed.God Bless You Maya Angelou...God has Blessed us All that have been Engraciated w/ his Presence & beliefs & never forgetting any in the human race Ashe Honored us All teaching us of equality & Dignity & to have Peace in our hearts to stand together & believe & support one another matter the consequence.Thank you Nelson Mandela..Madiba! We shall Always remember your teachings & continue in our Mission in like w/ yours in common until we see you again...We will never abort nor give up the fight as upon have reminded us & taught us.We loved you Well...You loved us Well! We Thank you from our Hearts as we remember & reflect on how you stood not only behind us ...in front of us as a Leader ...as you stood beside us as Well. Thank you Maya Angelou... R I P ...Nelson Mandela for you have served us Well! I am a Prayer Warrior for The Nelson Mandela Foundation & Movement to reform the Violence & slaughters in South Africa & Ethiopia . To totally dismantle these regimes totally & free the prisoners .We Pray for not only Peace but for each to stand side by side & no more Torture & bloodbaths.We Pray for this freedom & equality as Nelson Mandela spoke of & Dreamed of for it to materialize & Honor him as he stood for such Wonderful beliefs in Mankind. His Inspiration lives on as we continue his work & Dream as mine ours is the same.We Thank you Nelson Mandela...We Thank you Maya Angelou. Blessings to you & Yours for this Holiday Season ...Pamala...🌿🌎

  • Iffy

    Africa has lost its moral compass and now the corrupt leaders can rule with impunity.

  • Susan

    "We will not withhold forgiveness, even from those who do not ask."

  • Cora

    Oh, if we all had half that amount of forgiveness, wouldn't the world be a better place

  • Don

    Rest in eternal peace my friend. Your work here is done.

  • ruth

    "he loved us all" inspired us, led us, kept the faith for us, stayed strong not only for himself but for all of us! Thank you for your beautiful inspiring poem, Maya!

  • Margaret

    You rock Maya! Beautiful prose for an inspiring man. Thank you.

  • Irudayaraj

    It's really touching the heart. Thanks a lot to Maya Angelou who did the best job of Praising the great man of our times in the air through her musical voice. It's surprising that a group of us tortured him and another group of us hold him high. When will this come to end?

  • Pauline

    It takes one person to change the world through deeds that touch the heart

  • Murray

    Humanity has a beautiful example in Nelson Mandela.

  • DonnaMac

    The man is responsible for GLOBAL LOVE...and Maya Angelou....God Bless you....

  • Jeffrey Farrar Dean

    There never will be a man such as He.


    Hi agen My name is ALI LAGHARI, I am from pakistan using google chrom broser but here this vedio is not playing so dear help me ho can see this vedio?

  • Neeti

    Thank you Madiba!! You are still loved dearly! Maya your tribute to Madiba was so apt and fitting...thank you and so grateful to you....

  • Lisa

    Thank you Maya! Thank you for saying exactly what I, a 58 year old white woman who teaches elementary school in Los Angeles, wanted to say. I am so grateful for Nelson Mandela's life.


    This vedio is not playing accourd an errer. thanks


    What inspired you about this video? Do not estimate any person that he or she will not be useful to Society in future.

  • Brian

    Thanks Guys. His spirit lives on eternally! Timeless tribute.

  • Andrew Hangerud

    My heart grows with every piece of information that comes from this site I did not know Nelson personally but feel I did through his outreach and loving Contribution to the people of Africa and the world I become a better person through his message I hope and love for the world Blessings Nelson you will be missed and chairished

  • kat

    Thank you once again Ms. Maya Angelou for the eloquence of word and spirit that you speak for all of us in this powerful remembrance honor prayer.

  • Jody

    I cry today for the loss of a great man, Mentor for freedom & social justice for all of Earth's people. You will always be remembered as a man of true heart & spirit that uplifted a nation & a weary, lost world. God bless all your family. You shall forever be in my heart! Thank-you Mandela & Maya for making this world a better place!

  • steve zimmett

    I felt this was a great video. I did not know Maya but I got this from a website Maya Angelou http://mayaangelou.com/bio/

  • Julia

    Eloquent & timeless poetry honoring a true hero among humans.

  • Dee

    Writing from my heart. Mr. Mandela and Ms. Angelou are my heros, who are beacons of light for a dream that we can all share for a better world starting today! I write with their inspiration in my heart.

  • Marsha Nelson,Ph.D.

    I am a fan of Maya Angelou and Nelson Mandela is truly one of my heroes. Thanks for sharing this piece of history with the internet.

  • Page 1

  • Watch a tribute issued by the United Nations, which presents Mandela's personal history and the history of the country he delivered from Apartheid. 
  • Add your message of condolence at the Nelson Mandela Foundation Website.
  • Take the time to reflect how the principled humanitarian work of countless great men and women -- even those half-a-world away from you, even those you will never know-of -- enrich your life.

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