Doctor Bob Paeglow could be just another physician working in Albany, New York, but his patients will tell you otherwise. Although he could be making a comfortable living, Dr. Paeglow chooses to operate his clinic, Koinonia Primary Care, free of charge. The clinic runs mainly by the generous donations of others. Patients receive free medical care, or pay whatever they can afford. When patients cannot afford their medication, the clinic will even buy it for them! According to Dr. Paeglow, it is simply the right thing to do. His generous spirit embodies the true meaning of charity. His compassion heals not just the body, but the soul.


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  • pogi

    ang pogi ni jaydee

  • O

    To explore helping Dr. Bob's Clinic, please visit

  • Mary

    I have experienced Dr Bob's generosity,love and faithfulness for over 10 years. He is honest and ethical, and very rare in this troubled world. Please give if you are able. Blessings.

  • thomas stuart

    I WISH that we will use your example and in whatever way we can do whatever we can AS LITTLE AS IT MAY BE We all can't be doctors BUT we all can do something .ESPECIALLY those helped by the doctor your thank you is better by playing your part , even just by encouraging someone from the worng road PAPA GOD BLESS US ALL, ONE LOVE

  • Patricia AMAZON Muldrow Roberts

    DR.Bob isn't only rare but inspires me. So many people need minor care and that this one man who could make money, money and more money has decided to put people first is encouraging. I hope many physicians and dentist see this and give back. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story.

  • Julia

    Great thing he is doing for his community. Keep up the good work!

  • Sue

    where can we contribute?

  • Dr. Asha

    My Salute to you! In a country full of materialism and ME, ME, you have set a beautiful example of true Generosity.

  • Carolyn

    In the richest country in the world, a doctor in Albany figured out how to provide medical care for the neediest among us. It's up to the rest of us to help him. God bless you.

  • Lin

    He is being lead by God to do His will....we need more people in our World just like Dr. Bob. Our Father watches after Bob's needs, that's Bob's blessing while he is here on earth, his most important rewards will be given to him, in the eternity. He puts the needs of other people before his own, a righteous sacrifice, may God continue to bless him.

  • Tom

    This truly is love in action. It has become way to easy for politicians and civic leaders to use a lot of words to win popular opinion, but Dr. Paeglow is using his actions to change the world one person at a time. Truly inspiring.

  • Judith

    His generosity of spirit.

  • jeffrey farrar dean

    Compassion may be his undoing but his kindness is a feel good moment that go's on and on. It made me feel good.

  • kathleen brighton

    The doctor's matter-of-fact nature in speaking about what he does as something he must do. What faith!

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    wonderful! this is what compassion truly is! Hugs to you Dr. Bob from my heart to yours! (as someone without health insurance since 2006, I really appreciate what you do. I chose to sell my home & possessions and leave a full time job to be a Storyteller and to create/facilitate a volunteer literacy project. I may not have much $$ but I am Rich in so many other ways! HUG!

  • KT Admin

    Thanks to all who have asked about donating to Dr. Bob's clinic. The donation link on his site is not working. We have found a different donation page, which is now linked in the first "Be the Change" action item. If the links there don't work, please contact:

  • Brad

    Wow, what a kind and loving soul. Thanks Dr. Bob!

  • Mataji Gauri Mata

    Dr. Bob's love for humanity is recognizing the divine SPIRIT in all. He might live for free in a rectory, but to me he lives in Christ and shows us how. He too felt the need for charity when once poor and now he is the richest man for giving his all in worship and service to humanity with dignity, humility and compassion. I will try to be the change as is the "Right thing to Do". Thank you Dr Bob.

  • Dawn

    Bless Dr Bob... he is inspiring!

  • Carolyn

    Bless Dr. Paeglow. What a wonderful example of compassion in action. Love your neighbor as yourself is defined by the doctor's work.

  • sharon lindop

    What if a whole country believed what Doctor Bob believes, that medical care should be free at the point of delivery and then acted on that belief. this country went further and said that education should be free for all those who could attain the level of excellence to access higher education. this is what happened in the United Kingdom after the second world war. We call it the National Health Service. It protects its citizens from financial ruin because of ill health. it is paid for by the whole population in their taxes, and is supported whole heartedly by the whole population. sure some people prefer to take out health insurance so that they can go to fancier private clinics and hospitals, but they are a minority. Most people are so very happy to receive health care at all levels including dental, prescriptions if needed, free eye examinations and help with the glasses. When i try to explain this to my fellow Americans, they can't believe there isn't a catch, and then accuse me of espousing 'Socialism'. I don't know why Dr Bob's clinic is called Compassion, and the NHS is somehow not compassionate, but 'Socialism'. Can't a whole country choose compassion as the way to spend their taxes?

  • helma jordan

    The compassion of this great human being

  • Brian`

    Why have the links to donate been closed??????

  • jose

    service above self. Inspiring

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