Orland Bishop is the founder and director of Shade Tree Multicultural Foundation in Los Angeles, where he has pioneered approaches to urban truces and mentoring at risk youth that combine new ideas with traditional ways of knowledge. ShadeTree serves as an intentional community of mentors, elders, teachers, artists, healers and advocates for the healthy development of children and youth. Orland's work in healing and human development is framed by an extensive study of medicine, naturopathy, psychology and indigenous cosmologies, primarily those of South and West Africa.


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  • Learn more about the ShadeTree Multicultural Foundation, the organization founded by Orland Bishop.
  • ShadeTree is built around the Zulu notion that "in seeing another, we owe each other something." Consider what you owe those you come into contact with today.
  • "Scarcity is part of our economic world view," observes Bishop. Commit to one act that converts scarcity into abundance.

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