Portraiture is a risky and subtle art. The artist is expected to reveal something true and essential about their subject. But then, some stories tell themselves easily and some models' cannot hide their inner nature. This film follows photographer Sue Bryce's portrait work with Jill Brzezinski-Conley, a young woman already disfigured by radical surgical intervention and shaken by the incurable metastisis of her breast cancer. Sue, Jill, and Jill's closest friends reveal that mortality cannot steal beauty, power, personal integrity, or love from one who embraces and is embraced by the world.


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  • Ewa

    love between Jill and her husband, just envy

  • Barbara

    Just beautiful...from Jill's beauty & spirit, to the photography and story itself. As a Triple Negative Breast Cancer patient I still have much hope. I just love the way she celebrated her life (along w/the love of her husband & friends) just beautiful...God Bless

  • Page 1

  • Art therapy can be a useful tool for cancer patients and survivors.  Read one woman's experience.
  • See how artists have helped reshape the narrative of women who bear the scars of breast cancer with body painting, photography, and tattoo.
  • Make those around you feel beautiful and cherished.

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