If simplicity appeals to you, downsizing--radical downsizing--may be what you seek. Kristen Dirksen interviewed people all over the world who are living their values in teeny tiny spaces that offer large possibilities for a life of greater freedom. Beyond small spaces, smarter spaces become the order of the day, and a more sustainable lifestyle and lighter environmental impact are the rewards. Enjoy this trailer of the full-scale documentary, also available on YouTube.


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  • Barbara

    To be able to pare down to the bare essentials is a remarkable feat. We are attached to so much "stuff". It appears to be doable worldwide!

  • Cynthia

    Awesome! After finding some library books on the subject a few months ago, my husband and I are in the beginning stages of planning a tiny house of our own! Can't wait to watch the whole film. Thanks!

  • Page 1

  • You can see videos and read blog postings of others' ideas for living small at the Tiny House Blog.  It's also a great resource for apartment dwellers.
  • Architect Sarah Susanka is credited with starting the small house movement.  And her book "The Not So Big Life" is an inspiration for many who want to simplify their lives in general.
  • Walk around your home and eliminate some clutter.  In that new space, what possibilities do you now see?  Remember, nature abhors a vacuum!  What comes into your life as you eliminate what you no longer need?

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