The third Monday of every month, sisters â€‹Rachel Demolfetto and Cynthia Sansone offer a day of pampering for women with cancer at their â€‹Racine Salon de Beaute & Spa in Islip, N.Y., as a way to honor their mother, who died from breast cancer in 1989. This trailer for the short documentary, "Mondays at Racine," explores how the women in the film deal with the loss of their hair. Mondays at Racine gives women who are losing their hair, eyebrows and eyelashes a sense of normalcy and dignity in a traumatic and uncertain time.


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  • Blanche

    Their beauty is not marked in Vogue, Wont be on Cosmo, but i see it ... As I see the beauty of my Mother, daily, Ovarian cancer survivor- I am so greteful that she is still here with me Hair or no Hair ... I thank God simply for her being here. Their beauty is marked in courage, to live life to the fullest, and by those who love you..and want you here no matter what- Blessings to Racine and those like her- love to you all... heres to Locks, Lashes and Lipstick. may you find them soothing until yours retrun...and prayers for your strong recovery

  • Page 1

  • The hats featured in this short documentary were made by members of the Plexus Art Group, who raise awareness about social and political issues through their art.
  • What does hair mean in our culture? Read this article in Psychology Today on why having a "good hair day" matters.
  • When you are having a bad day, surround yourself with people who love you.

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