A film by Nic Askew. More at Soul Biographies.

Are you really anxious, or are you just excited? Matt Schweppe reminds us that we are full of life, and often our suffering is caused by not expressing our spirit. We hide it, keep it bottled up, and think that timid person is who we are. Instead, we should give ourselves permission to do what we really want to do.


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  • Julie Geigle

    Excellent video. I can totally relate to studying my ass off in college, even got a master's degree, got into my field and went...this was fun for awhile but not for the rest of my life. School teacher turned spiritual counselor. Thanks Matt for confirming that I took the right path. Never stop dreaming and wanting more. ♥

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  • Check out Matt Schweppe's Take a Stand website for more ways to choose to live your life with vulnerability and fearlessness. 
  • See more inspiring personal stories filmed by Nic Askew at Soul Biographies.
  • Is what you’ve always wanted really what you have always wanted? Look at where your passions lie, and see if it shows in your life. Are you choosing to settle for a life you think you want, and calling that passion?

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