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The Corner Perk in Bluffton, South Carolina is well known for its delicious coffee and warm atmosphere. One day, everything changed when a person put $100 on the counter, asking that the money be used to pay for the customers that followed. Listen to this NPR story which reports how this anonymous act of kindness has inspired others and changed the way coffee is served - with compassion.


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  • Chris

    Inspired by the unassuming beginning of this little tale, and over time, the ways it was picked up by the community. Rock on Bluffton, South Carolina.

  • Shail

    Small little acts of kindness go such a long way! :)

  • Page 1

  • For inspiration on how to be a compassionate change-maker, visit HelpOthers
  • Learn more about the gift economy and the joys of paying it forward from examples such as Corner Perk and Karma Kitchen.
  • Pay attention to the routine opportunities in your life to give anonymously and receive a random act of kindness.

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