While you are learning about the many, many benefits of smiling, you will find yourself smiling the whole time you are watching this video!


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  • Brian

    Thanks Guys. 1000 smiles...peace on Earth...

  • Mildred Atendido

    ,I should smile despite the odds happening in my life.

  • Tomi

    This video comes just to confirm my thoughts last several days that I should smile more. :)

  • fuzzy

    Experience the HAPPINESS PROGRAM by the Art of Living Foundation. It's a beautiful tool .. The Sudarshan Kriya Yoga. ... that helps is back to 400 times a day. .

  • Mary Elizabeth allen

    I love this and I love to smile....enjoy .....Liz

  • Mahesh ( Max) Sejpal, DDS.


  • emanuel boyd

    All the things pointed out in this video is worth while being aware off, but I also believe that smiling is a lot more than the end result of visual and technical precursors. I feel that we must take into consideration that smiles are also generated deep within our soul, thoughts and our spiritual realm. For instance, having and living the realization of the "All Mighty" instills Total contentment in our inner being. There is no greater reason to smile than the aforementioned. Amen.

  • Patjos

    I might just take that up too, Ella! Love you, Deepak, Vu Chien Thang,nilay, Jeffrey Farra Dean, Helen Vandeman, Brian, Jayaprasad, Jayne, Jamee (I love that!) Totally love your idea, Eva!!! Smile,Patjos haha!

  • Ella de Jong

    I almost always end my mailings and comments with "smile, Ella" and will certainly keep doing this although I sometimes think "how stupid will people think this is". Thanks! I save it in my Google + As a counsellor and trainer of Strength Building Communication I'm convinced that as soon you are able to find (the beginning) of a smile inside you, you have found the power, the strength of achieving your goals. Smile, Ella

  • Deepak

    Thank you . Keep smiling a cure for our well being .

  • Vu Chien Thang

    Smiles of mine connect people and make everyone happy

  • nilay

    it is great to keep smiling.

  • Jeffrey Farrar Dean

    Not just any Smile, how can anyone not get a kick out of this guy.

  • Helen Vandeman

    Before I could even listen to talk, I had to stop and examine the fotos he used from a yearbook, which are NOT from UC Berkeley, but my alma mater, Olympia, WA class of '62!

  • Brian

    Thanks Guys! Let smile world...n' on n on...Keep smiling...1love...peace thru U

  • Jayaprasad

    What inspired ? "SMILE". Smile is contagious, Smile is in a virtuous cycle. Do try at home, at work and on the road. Yes, As a resident of PNG, I can assure you that the properties of smile are universal.

  • jayne

    I always said that if I was the prime minister the first thing i'd do is hold a press conference and call for us all to smile more at each other! Yeh...not such a crazy idea afterall!

  • Jamee

    The smile works even in the streets of New York.i

  • Eva

    It's so simple and good.…and free! I'm tempted to start my own smiling group so everyone can share jokes and nice things that can make the others smile

  • Page 1

  • In addition to smiling, learn about the benefits of humor here.
  • Learn more about how many people have increased the number of smiles around the world by doing random acts of kindness and leaving behind smile cards!  
  • Think about how a simple smile has changed your life.  Smile at a stranger today and see what happens. 

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