"50 miles of weathered old bays, haunting the imagination with secrets to decode, solely through time invested." Renowned surf photographer, Mickey Smith endures through the cold, the fear, the anxiety to catch subtle glimpses of magic. If there is a way to create poetry through images, this has got to be it.


 Your Name: Email:
  • jasmine

    Would love to do this myself...

  • Lee

    Reminds me of Keats, "What immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry." Thank you.

  • Laura

    Amazing! what a beautiful video, many lovely word of wisdom too. Thank you Mickey!

  • Shah Wharton's WordsinSync

    Just wonderful!

  • irini

    i am happy to see that there are still people who finds beauty in simple things...thank you for giving us this amazing video,and giving us all these crazy feelings of freedom....best things in life are free.... anyway

  • Roni


  • suchita

    Amazing ... Micky you did a great job.really you have god gifted talent !!!

  • anna

    C´est genial!!! It is difficult ti show what feel the surfer inside to another people. Beutiful film, beutiful ocean!!!

  • Lynn

    I don't know how you get these shots! Incredible! I want to be there in that tube, but never will be, unless it's in another life or alternate universe. It just seems like being really alive.

  • James

    Thanks you for the incredible images and the reminded to find the subtle magic and to step into the grandeur of life.

  • Jenn

    Breath-taking. What a wonderful gift you have and thank you for sharing. May the magic live on.

  • mary t

    you brought tears to my eyes thanks for your generosity

  • Alvelia Antillon

    Great thanks for sharing, through your eyes we get to see what is out there love you keep up the great work.

  • adi

    My waters take me there , where time has stopped , where sound is storm where light has crossed the iris path... where stones cast spells where dolfins sing where birds go west and Sun is string to other world... My Waters take me there, where wind is strong where birds are silent where all the fear is dust of silence where all the magic ever known is just a clear ocean drop...... my waters take me there.... believe it - you - or not, shall meet you in the morning with ocean oldest song. A.Andreeva Cambridge 2011

  • Fi

    Moments that take our breath away are what makes a life truly rich. Thank you Mickey for sharing the magic with us. Today you hava added light and inspiration to my soul x x x

  • Lili

    Mickey, I so fell in love with you today listening to you and watching you. What a beautiful soul you have. Your video is a window that you have opened for all to see the beauty and the power of God. So many people don't know where the windows are. Keep opening those windows Mickey. You are gorgeous.

  • val koudelka

    Do something worth remembering - best line from the video. There are things infinitely more important that money!

  • kathy

    Thanks for the inspiring video. It made my day! Go out and be creative in whatever you do.

  • Umily

    Thank you so much for sharing. Your works are totally beautiful.

  • Jagdish P Dave

    An amazingly beautiful and thrilling expereince. Gratefully, Jagdish Dave

  • ali green

    The men in my family surf. One guy painted his apartment to look similar to the sky as you photoed here. Another taught his sons to admire the surf and respect nature. Do keep you art going. So others may ignite their imagination with the thunderous surf rushing at the coast.

  • mishrabck

    Captivating captures by Mickey.I think no one else can do it.Pl keep it up>

  • Helen

    So moving and inspiring ...thank you Mickey for such a fine example of the Humane Spirit at work....may blessing pour into your life .Helen Jucevic

  • Christine Moran

    Wonderful Mickey. Unbelievable beauty you have captured that so many of us miss around us so easily.

  • kim Christie

    inspiration over the top ....I wish you a great abundance so you may continue your work with ease.....never stop....thankyou for touching my soul Blessings

  • Page 1

  • View more of Mickey Smith's work and the reflections and passion behind his photographs. Send him a note of support if you enjoyed his film!

  • Mickey says he moves towards the places and experiences that make his "heart beat the hardest". Do one thing that scares you each day this week. What do you see that you haven't seen before?

  • Walk out of your door today with a resolution to keep an eye out for the "subtle glimses of magic other folk might pass by". Whenever you see it, take a moment to feel gratitude and appreciation.


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