Anuradha Koirala is a true hero of HIV. Through her organization, Maiti Nepal, Anuradha has been rescuing girls who had been trafficked out of Nepal into India. Many of these girls are HIV positive. But through her commitment to providing them with education, health-care and training towards employable skills, Anuradha has been truly able to make their life "Positive" once again.


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  • Ramesh Gunti

    we should educate the illiterate people about HIV/AIDS and precautions to take during sex with partners outside marriage and also dont avoid the HIV positive peoples away from the society.

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about Anuradha and Maiti Nepal.

  • Watch how Betty Makoni's Tapestries of Hope have been combating the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Zimbabwe

  • The fight against HIV/AIDS calls for awareness and care.

    Participate in charitable events that help increase awareness about HIV/AIDS. But do not forget that HIV/AIDS victims need our love and support as well.

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