Ben Underwood lost his eyes to cancer when he was 2. By age 6, he taught himself how to "see" again using clicks - through echolocation. In this video, Ben rollerblades, plays video games and shoots hoops, just like a regular 14 year old, except that he's blind. Watch and be amazed...


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  • Steve

    "There is a place in me where nothing is impossible!!" And it's true for everyone. Ben is using his God given power to use in his life and to demonstrate for us what we can do.

  • Charlie K

    I am amazed by his "can do" spirit and his natural charm. Bless him.

  • naveen kanth

    dont give up.....impossible is nothing

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about Ben Underwood in this 5-part documentary made before his tragic passing in 2009.
  • Read about human echolocation, the skill Ben picked up to know his surroundings.
  • Keep in mind that there are many ways to experience the world; each one of us experiences but a piece.

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