Narrated by Former South African Deputy Minister of Health Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge, this video is best summed up in the translation of its title, Ubuntu: "I am because you are." Ubuntu is a way of seeing the world, recognizing the interconnectedness of all things, and honoring those relationships. It is also a way of being in the world, and living our lives with the understanding that, in fact, we are our brothers and sisters keeper. Ubuntu takes the idea that "It takes a village to raise a child" and expands it to the truth that it takes all of us helping each other to make the world a better place.


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  • rukaiya

    Beautiful film. I got a very wide meaning of the term, earlier i did not include compassion in it's meaning.

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about Ubuntu.  Practice seeing others as a reflection of yourself. Create something that will act as a reminder that we really are all one.
  • Visit the Global Oneness Project website and enter the discussion about values and issues that are important to our time.
  • Spread the word. Paint colorful signs with messages of Oneness and post them on telephone poles in your town. You'll be surprised by how they can affect people's mood!

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