A group of calling itself the Federation of Students and Nominally Employed or Unemployed Artists spent four hours giving away "instant grants" in a park in New York City. Photographers, knitters for the homeless and artists of all types lined up for small grants. The funds were raised or donated by the federation and the exercise went deeper than just dollars for some. As one recipient noted: "It's not the money here. Something else is going on."


 Your Name: Email:
  • Sharon

    Post Growth Institute (http://postgrowth.org) would love to connect with these folks about being part of Free Money Day (www.freemoneyday.org), held 15 September each year. Does anyone know how we might contact them? info@postgrowth.org

  • Marcine

    Gorilla fund-raising-these are Cultural Creatives making positive change yo!!

  • di


  • Tamilyn

    Giftivism at it finest ... giving soo much more then dollars .. investing in dreams :)

  • DaVinci Pharaoh

    This video reminded me of the following: "Nothing lightens one's burdens so quickly as helping others carry theirs." and "You can't help someone else uphill without getting closer to the top yourself."

  • Mike

    Stuart, how can I contact you to take part in your generous offer?

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    And oh my gosh!!! Scientific! I met him on the subway in 2009 and had the most Amazing Conversation with him!! Thank you for supporting his ART! Scientific, if you see this, find me! Congratulations on doing your art! HUG! Kristin

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Giving is Living. (and LOVING) The inspiration & impact is so far beyond the money shared, though at times $ helps more than you can know to uplift a creative person who may be struggling to share their gift. This is about Connecting with each other & Co-creating through a bit of cash; it is the SHARING that's so important. As a Professional Storyteller, who sometimes does not have cash (especially when I lived in NYC); I always had/have a Story to share, an ear to listen,a FREE HUG, kindness. Instant Grants in the Park = Beautiful and NEEDED. Hope to FREE HUG you in Union Square, I'll be thee for the 3rd annual World Wide FREE HUGS (I organize) on Valentine's Day! :) <3 Kristin

  • jayaprakash nagendar bachalakuri

    greetings in the precious name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ i am very happy to know about the instant grant program very good.

  • Stuart

    What inspires me about this video is the level of trust and unconditionality of the giving. The recipients 'could' go off and blow the money on booze or drugs but hopefully most will do what they said they will do. Beautiful. In the spirit of this video I'd like to give away enrolment in my 90 day 'Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life' program to the first 10 people that email me and ask to be enrolled. No purchase, no upsell, no strings. :)

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