We are adept at the avoidance of pain and suffering - we push it away, we pretend it’s not there. And we keep ourselves busy so that we don’t have time to sit and reflect - when bored, we surf social media - when we feel down, we go shopping or watch TV. But running keeps us stuck in spiraling patterns of despair and hopelessness. This film explores how one person has learned to stop and listen to what the pain in life is telling him and teaching him. We can learn to let go of our ego’s dominance over our actions and decisions, and start listening more carefully to that intuitive voice inside. To run from pain is to run from life itself. Because by embracing difficulty and the challenges it presents, is how we grow and improve as humans. So let’s learn to accept it as a part of life. It's this that will make us whole again.


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  • Page 1

  • Learn several healthy ways to deal with emotional pain.
  • Read about strategies to cope with chronic physical pain while living a full life. 
  • When you feel pain today, whether physical or emotional, pause, breathe, notice the pain, don't judge it, listen to it, accept it and then -- only then respond. 

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