Zach Pine is an artist and environmentalist who uses art and nature to help people connect with themselves, others and coastal areas of the world. His specialty is making sand globes with only sand and water in the areas where he draws people together. With nearly one in three people living within 60 miles of a seacoast, most of us will be affected by climate change and the realties of sea level rise, pollution, sand mining as well as the loss of habitat for the wildlife we all love. Making sand globes is an art form that encourages people to interact with the water and sea in ways that help them to realize how much we need the oceans and each other.


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  • Adrienne

    Fresh and inspiring

  • Ron&Angela

    in plain simple words simply beautiful.

  • Susan Anne

    Joyfulness and positivity are so present. The ease of making globes is so good for all ages!

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about Zach Pine's work to promote environmental and social action for a healthier and happier world.
  • Play games in your workplace or at home to encourage connections that will make the world a better place.  
  • Zach Pine says that "People take care of what they love." Where do you see this reality at play in your own life? How can you extend this truth outward as a way to improve the world around you for yourself and others? 

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