What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you think it's fame and money, you're not alone – but, according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you're mistaken. As the director of a 75-year-old study on adult development, he shares three important lessons learned from the study as well as some practical, old-as-the-hills wisdom on how to build a fulfilling, long life.


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  • juliana

    i need video's

  • Charles A Vail

    It bothered me greatly that the study only involved men, but I don't think it makes the study invalid. It just makes it about men, and a study involving both men and women would be very complicated. Especially with the changes society has made with regard to women. Judy said she didn't consider it very pertinent and I agree. It would not be pertinent to a woman except perhaps in understanding better the men in her life.

  • Elsie

    Study on adult development? Only men are adults. Totally understand that this was started at a time when men were deemed even more important than they are now! And Harvard men on top of that. Not very representative of adult development!

  • Judy Kennedy

    I wish the study had been done with a mix of males and females. Since it was done with only males I don’t consider it very pertinent.

  • Margaret Thompson

    Quality over quantity is also important. Many introverts have fewer close friends because they are much more solitary by nature.

  • Gloria Waldinger

    the delivery, common sense beliefs grounded in research, heartwarming and important. thank you, robert,

  • anita r goldstein

    Why just men????

  • Patrick Watters

    I honestly can’t believe anyone with even the least common sense would believe fame and fortune equals happiness and health?! Quite possibly just the opposite?! A curse on body, mind and soul! In this life and beyond, grace-filled relationships are the key to true happiness even through trials and struggles. }:- a.m.

  • Kathleen Baker

    I need more friends! Unfortunately this doesn't apply to my family, especially in the men. My Dad did everything right and my Mom did everything wrong, yet he's the one who died with Alzheimer's :(

  • Page 1

  • The Harvard Study of Adult Development tracked 724 men for 75 years. The 60 who are still alive show proof of what can bring us true happiness and satisfaction. Guess at their three major findings before you watch!
  • Ted Talks (like this local one in Boston) are high-quality presentations by leading figures in many fields. They are rightly called "ideas worth spreading." Check them out.
  • Mark Twain said: "There isn't time, so brief is life...there is only time for loving." Ask yourself if you agree. Or what in your life is most important to you? What do you value most?

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