All over the world, from the Ganges river in India to the forests of Brazil, native women have risen up to defend the destruction of nature in the name of corporate greed. In this film trailer, we get a sense of their power as “citizens of the earth, a part of another economy, another world, which puts life before profit.” They serve as an example of the power of water. As tai chi master T. T. Liang liked to say, “Although we do not see power in a glass of water, once it is turned into steam, it will drive the pistons of very powerful engines,”


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  • caroleen

    Where is this movie? I cannot find it.

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about the film and the director, Kum Kum Bhavnani.
  • Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era is a network of researchers and activists from the economic South working for economic and gender justice and sustainable and democratic development. 
  • “Nothing is softer than water,” says LaoTzu. “Yet for overcoming what is hard and strong, nothing surpasses it.” What can you do today to affirm this powerful movement to save the planet?

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