A film by HooplaHa.

How do you help a teen get over a broken heart? Pam found a way and Meredith found a calling. A simple solution which has reached thousands around the world. Learn more and get ready for International Day of Happiness on March 20!


 Your Name: Email:
  • Julia Roberts

    I love anything that can uplift others - a great idea

  • Aditie Vaid

    Just in time for my upcoming heArt transformation Circle - as we create something small of beauty what joy it will unleash is hard to say :)

  • Barb

    I LOVE quotes....I gave myself permission to write them on my office wall! Thx you for sharing your beautiful idea. I plan to start jars for my friends ASAP🙏

  • Deepa

    Thank you Meredith's Mom, you have started a movement! We often forget that simple acts of kindness can have such transformative effects. Paying it forward!

  • Cynthia Adler

    It's very beautiful and inspiring...I would like to get some of these jars for friends...how do I do that?

  • Margo

    What small acts of kindness can do to uplift others. If every person on earth did this for even a short time, think of what could happen! Joy! Joy!

  • Ruth

    Love it! I know that daily readings and affirmations have helped me so much in my life!!

  • Sidonie Grace

    Beautifully simple yet powerful and definitely soulsoothing! My heartfelt gratitude to you both, Pam & Meredith. Onward!


    it is just awesome when there are too many negative people (including your parents, close friends) around you. when they are affecting me negatively, this kind of spiritual practice surely would help me and help them as well

  • Carol

    The way a meaningful gesture, appreciated and shared, magnifies in all directions for good.

  • Karen

    What a gift that keeps on giving!! Way to go Mom and Meredith!! Thanks for all the lives you have touched is awesome...including mine!

  • Robb

    I was touched by this heartfelt idea. I know several people who could use a lift due to serious health issues. I will make them Joy Jars! Do you share your sayings? Thank you for inspiring me as well as others!

  • Nell Maha

    Reading about how powerful words can be. How do I get one for my Grandson who needs to know he can feel better about himself. Nell M

  • Aura

    The lovable bond between Mom and daughter, it is wonderful and powerful. Awesome job, many blessings!!!

  • Liz

    "Imagine a world where all minds are joined in the quest for greater understanding. You and I can change the world, one mind at a time" Prima (my horse) from 'One With the Herd'

  • Liz

    I am inspired by the transformative ripple effect that Pam's act of loving compassion for her daughter has had on the lives of so many other people.

  • Jude

    I was inspired by this video because of its thoughtfulness and kindness towards other people. God Bless them x

  • Harpreet

    What a Beautiful, Simple idea... Thank you Meredith’s Mom...

  • Kimberly

    Sweet energy and Meredith's willingness to pay it forward ... thank you for being a ray of light and hope

  • bilkis yusuf

    what an inspiring story, how one person can give hope to so many

  • miriam

    OK I have tears of joy in my eyes.... love spreads like a sweet butter.... thank you!

  • marian call

    I am always inspired by what one person can do to change the world.

  • sandra winter

    Wonderful positive simple solution to sadness - thank you so much...

  • steve zimmett

    great video about Meredith.

  • leelah

    What inspired me the most? EVERYTHING!

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Wonderful hoe a seemingly small gesture csn evolve to.make such an impact. I've been doing my own version of these jars as presents for years and had never heard of this die civic jars of joy until today. ♡

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about Pam's gift to Meredith which keeps on growing.
  • Did you know that the International Day of Happiness was created by the UN and is run by an economist?  Learn more about this story and take the pledge.
  • Plan your happiness contribution.  Mark March 20 on your calendar.  Do it!  Share on social media and celebrate the actions of others.

Recent Pledges

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