Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho was a homeless poet, living for decades on a roadway median in Sao Paulo, Brazil, he called "The Island." Though his circumstances were dire, he wrote each day with diligence and passion. His dream was to share his work with the world; but he lived fundamentally disconnected from others. Or did he? This film speaks to the inherent interconnections among all of us and the astonishing things that can happen when we allow them to manifest.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Janice

    Marginalized voices will be silenced no more. Many blessings to the courageous.

  • Gerry

    Simple words....priceless meanings...in them hidden treasures to happiness. Amazing story...

  • kvpsummer

    Art, Love, Family...Whole

  • Santoo

    Truly exceptional.. Hope sustains LIFE!!

  • Karen


  • Mindy

    His poetry shines from heart onto the pages. Thank you for sharing his work with the world. Blessings.

  • LaVerne

    The fact that we underestimate person who are homeless and forget to look beyond what we see They have a heart just like us and abilities just like us. The gift that was sent by God is manifested through this man's writings. Thank you for his brother to allow love and compassion giving his brother a second chance at life. Blessed are they......

  • Phil

    He never abandoned himself. He never compromised his passions or his dignity as a human being.

  • Felicia

    He had that one humble, simple life sustaining passion and the desire to share his gift regardless of his circumstances. How my heart goes out to him and such others. The next time I see that beggar in the parking lot I will offer something to him, something that money cannot buy ...

  • Christie

    The generosity of the woman who posted his poems on facebook, the generosity of his brother, the dogged belief of this man to tell his story and read his poems to the world.

  • Jennifer G

    In this world even at this time, there still is humanity, the kindness she shows towards him filled me with pride! We are all people yet we walk pass others who are like this man and turn up our noses, not giving the time of the day. I applaud this woman for being awesome enough to stop for just a moment!

  • Nancy

    The beauty of his words and the love of his family touched me to my core.

  • Jeff Kear

    Whoa! I'm still weeping at this one...I'll never say I'm suffering for my art again! Beautiful words, beautiful eyes, beautiful family... Thanks to the girl who brought this all together... Love and compassion and insight...X

  • Jimmy C.

    That another human being took the time and made the effort to get to know the lost and forgotten. The one 's I pass by on a daily basis. I wonder what their real dreams and stories are? Mental illness runs rampant...oh, that I might be set free from the insanity of my own selfish thinking.

  • Bill

    What a touching story! It reminds me also of the film "Searching for Sugar Man". Many of us likely feel that we have unique value we'd like to offer the world, but relatively few ever find the opportunity to do so.

  • Diane

    Here is a gentleman who lives in the middle of a very busy, noisy world, more so than the rest of us, and spends a great deal of effort trying to keep body and soul together. On the other hand there are people who are creative in all types of media, yet many of them often complain that they don't have the time or the right space to practice and produce their art. I was discussing this with my brother and we both felt that if your passion for your creativity was overwhelming, you would find a way to create no matter your circumstances. This man is a perfect example of artistic passion.

  • Susan

    This has given me hope that some person on this earth may care for me other then The good Lord. Just hasn't happen yet.

  • Sheila Laffey

    Wow! So moving and inspiring. Wonderful to see that young woman who connected with him and supported his passion of writing. So glad he is re-united with his family. I will be sharing this with my film students as an example of a film that can make a difference in sharing compassionate stories and w/ my FB friends. Thanks to the filmmaker for making this as well. I hope Raimundo continues to thrive back with his family.

  • Purvi

    It's inspiring that a man can live on the streets for decades,and still be true to his passion,and of course how kind the lady who reached out to him,and imagine his poems are being published,this is a story of the human spirit,god bless!so Geary rendering...

  • Carol

    I'm amazed at how one caring individual using modern technology helped others support and encourage this lovely man…and ultimately to locate his own brother & family! Beautifully done!

  • Sharon

    The goodness of the Raimundo. His persistance in writing. How carefully he did so in tough conditions. His wisdom. And lastly his smile. Also, the caring woman who spoke with him..human to human and then helped. I have not seen or heard from my son for fifteen years. It gives me hope.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Thank you for seeing him. Thank you for giving him another voice through your video. How beautiful that he is reunited with his brother after 57 years. We are ALL interconnected! LOVE!

  • Adele

    This film speaks to the lost feeling that at times we all have felt! I want to read his poems!

  • carla

    Ive known a few from the homeless community and ive been homeless in the true sense of it. I have a few friends Id love to share his writings with. How when and where can I purchase?

  • rekha

    beautiful,inspiring.When is the book coming out?

  • Yvonne

    Never, never, never give up on your dreams!

  • Brian

    Thanks Guys! Gotta love that! Brothahood loyalty message goin' round' tha world...teachin' 4 what it's all 4...all kinds of social community perspectives...1God...1people...world peace is set up bright on tha horizon...can't stop it...peace...

  • Diane

    Beautiful story. His eyes say it all.

  • Deven

    A number of things from Raimundo's story inspire me. 1. Inner beauty and dream brought him inner piece - a sanctuary that nourished and nurtured Raimundo's inner voice. I agree with Tequila. 2. When you find a channel to express your true inspiration, what is close to the heart... it is a healing, soothing, liberating, invigorating experience. Raimundo found that channel in his poetry - and that was so strong, he could focus on that. Vision from inside transcends physical, economic, social barriers. Had read that in Stephen Covey's book - it drove home with his example. 3. The woman's ability to see the genuine talent, potential and rich inner journey of Raimundo is both inspiring and touching. Thank you for sharing this video. How inspiring! -Deven

  • jeffrey farrar dean

    Good for him and everyone.

  • Tequila

    It all starts with a dream and the ending is up to person. Life is a one-way street and how we decide to write our auto-biography is determine by each individual. In this case, this romantic poet refused to relinquish his dreams and inner beauty to the streets of Brazil. In the mist of all this turmoil, his imagination bought him inner peace ... Life is Beautiful...

  • Prajna

    Everything. The compassion of the woman who took the time to see Raimundo as a human being with everything to teach, the open heart of his brother who welcomed him back into the family, and the courage of Raimundo and the brilliance of his poetry. I love this story and want to share it with the high school kids that I teach. Thank you.

  • Joseph Robinson | Inside Out Wisdom

    Poetry transforms the world. All words as expressed by true inspiration heal. The inward journey takes us to many unexpected places and helps us find our way. Love, Love, always finds its way. Contained within the tears of truth points in the direction that this love and these deep connections are what we all seek. "The Conditioned" lived it out for us to write it out via his experience. What islands do we create? What song in our heart do wish to release unto the world? What love will come to use by giving this love away?

  • Tammy

    Words cannot express the hope this stories gives me...that mankind can still be kind...and can express love for one another.

  • Pratibha

    Evidence that one should not abandon their dream. Besides other aspects of life, keep that central deep passion that helps you to know and express from your inner self.

  • Cindy

    Beautiful. All good things come to those who wait. And blessings to the beautiful young woman who believed in his dream.

  • Page 1

  • Visit the Facebook page set up for Raimundo by â€‹Shalla Monteiro.
  • Writing has always been an important expressive outlet for marginalized people, including the homeless.  Sample the work of some homeless poets.
  • The work of homeless poets and storytellers is published in many cities in "street sheets", simple tabloid gazettes distributed by the homeless themselves. Seek-out and support the work of these writers.

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