Choreographer and dance master Reginald Ray-Savage not only runs an acclaimed dance company, he has also been working with the Oakland School of Arts to include at-risk boys in his rigorous dance school, normally aimed at aspiring dance professionals. The results are astonishing, with graduation rates and academic success mirroring the success the students find in dance. He demands focus, discipline, and dedication from his students, life skills they take beyond the stage and studio to apply in the non-dance world.


 Your Name: Email:
  • sree


  • Carol Hall

    The trust issue. I have always had a problem with trust. Did not know what it was until I watched this and now I know my stumbling block is trust. Thank you for this video.

  • John Malcomson

    "I can help make you better." -Reginald Ray-Savage Thank you for this inspiring video!

  • Sam

    The exemplification of giving back...

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    when we create high expectations, we receive high quality. Especially when the teacher has walked the walked. Thank you Reginald for sharing your gift with these young men. giving them the Gift of seeing their talent! Bless you for helping them do better! HUG!

  • Jeffrey Farrar Dean

    There Will Always Be A Helping Hand.

  • Melodie Munro

    That Reginald Ray-Savage cares so much about helping these young people to aspire in their gift of dance. He is a wonderful man, passing on his knowledge and experiences to his students and bringing out the best in them. Thank you.

  • Is

    too bad the audio is so is difficult to hear the conversation and to follow the video......a shame!!!!!

  • susan

    It's always so inspiring when someone who has the expertise, knowledge, and/or experience to help others that need it, actually helps others that need it, and often in beautiful and innovative ways! Never fails to amaze me.

  • Page 1

  • This film is from Game Changers, where young black filmmakers profile black men providing leadership to black boys. Discover the project and meet the filmmaker.
  • One of Reginald Ray-Savage's chief creative influences was the great dancer, choreographer, educator, and activist, Katherine Dunham.  Learn more about this inspiring, path-breaking woman.
  • Take a moment to reflect on someone who was a game-changing influence in your life -- and, if you can, thank them for investing themselves in you.

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