Rocky Braat is no one special. He'd tell you that himself. His emails are full of misspellings and typos. But he has given his life to the love of others. The guy didn't even particularly like kids to begin with. But then he had his heart broken -- open. Today the 30-something-year-old from Pittsburgh lives in a cement hut and has dedicated the rest of his life to a community of AIDS orphans in Chennai, South India. "Blood Brother" is a new documentary made by a 100% volunteer crew that opens a window on "Rocky Anna's" journey. A journey of raw, ragged edges that reaches beyond the harsh veil of suffering for our transformative capacity to love.


 Your Name: Email:
  • jim logan

    Rocky Anna, Your film broke my heart. Your courage is amazing! In the documentary I wondered if you personally had experienced redemption, and was humbled that your actions were your unshakeable testimony of Jesus God. That in the credits you honored him as your purpose. Thank you. How may I help brother!?

  • Jim

    Hi Rocky, I'm Jim living in Perth from NY originally. I may not be long for this world so I can't physically help, but I can donate a few dollars for medicine, food and shelter for the children if you would like. I'll need wiring details. PS: Have a nice room and beach for you guys when you're ready.

  • jim Farrell

    Rocky, Do you have an email I can contact you on. I don't have facebook. twitter or any of that. I want to help with what you are doing. Love and Affection Jim

  • Robert

    An amazing beautiful and inspiring movie. It inspires me to go to where I am needed and stop thinking of myself and this rotting flesh. I pray to God to help me.

  • Anyone

    Where is the God? Real God is here!!!!!

  • Ratnesh

    Hi Rocky I must salute you after watching the documentary blood brothers.

  • Sheila

    I too stumbled on this documentary via Independent Lens/PBS last night. I was awestruck. Tears streamed and I find words cannot convey. one has to experience the film and then hopefully find a way to give to someone somewhere even a small part of oneself as unconditionally as Rocky Anna gives to his "family."

  • Patty

    Before watching "Blood Brother" I never knew that people like this existed. My eyes have been opened and now I know that there are people who can put aside petty things for what is really important and needing of love. I laughed and I cried as if I was a part of the experience. All I hope is that more people find the need to help others not for recognition or praise but simply to enrich the lives of their brothers.

  • Meg

    What inspired you about this video?HE is the person my Heart wants to be...cried like never before.Became more grateful by watching this documentary.i don't have words worthy of describing this AMAZING MAN

  • Brenda

    What was remarkable is most would have considered putting Surya out of his misery with a lethal dose of something, but that wasn't a consideration. I think there was a monk who said preach the gospel, if necessary use words. This is a perfect example of the saying, and I disagree with the commentary, Rocky Braat is not only special, but extremely rare.

  • Mojo

    I was moved to tears watching your heart at work And it made sense why I can't find any contentment Working to live Single Never married no kids Divorced annulled parents And nothing but problems with siblings who I Am estranged 5/5 And I see now because of you belonging is Up to us It can be but I have to search where I fit Corporate America 60 hours week 2 mortgages and a ton of student loans I was in awe of your kinship But also realize the hardship The children were each like jewels I am inspired to search again and not become Another drone in our very backwards way of life Here in America and most places thank you thank you thank you God bless and help you and especially those children

  • cara

    You are an Angel, I could not stop watching or crying. I can not get the picture of Surya out of head, no child should have to go through that, but he had you Rocky! Thank you

  • Nadia

    What a moving documentary! I have found a charity in which I feel confidently donating to--- keep up the good work Rockey Anna--- God Bless you!

  • mikial

    II'm ashamed to call myself a man after watching this documentary God if I could do what Rocky has shown the world about those beautiful kids I cried through the whole thing I literally could not help myself that young man changed my way of looking at the world thank u rocky you are truely a soldier of God if there is anyway I Connell please please please email me how Thank u rocky Anna angels like u the world needs more of

  • Jessica

    Amazing amazing documentary. It touched my heart in a way I cannot express. I love your love !!! The world needs a lot more of Rocky "Anna"s.

  • Kathy

    I watched the documentary of your dedication and love and saw first hand the difference you and you alone make in so many precious beautiful little souls lives. Words hardly do justice to your actions and deeds of caring as you bring a consistency, a force of love to the most beautiful children I've ever seen.To say that you have my respect would be an understatement. You left me in awe ,to say it simply. So sweet, so loving, so strong and on a consistant basis to boot. Unbelievable person you are indeed.

  • Manmohan

    I cried watching the actual movie as I saw Rocky Anna(bro) brought back Surya from the brink of death. I cried because you do not treat people as symptoms of the disease but as a being. Our inner nature is not body, not mind but something that transcends them. Where diseases don't touch you , where it is always beautiful. You dared to practice what others only preach. I cried watching what a difference drugs makes to those kids and women's life. I cried watching you battle every day living with those HIV/AIDS kids. May God's grace be around you and give you the strength you need to overcome those hardship's. I also wish that the entire nation of India support you in getting drugs for those children. I too am looking for ways to reach out to you and send you support in any ways.

  • Roger

    The most incredible selfless act of Love, Courage and Strength I have ever seen. I am forever deeply moved.

  • Rob

    I've seen thousands of films and docs as this point in my life -- this is in my top five now. I don't know who did the editing, but it was some of the sharpest and most thoughtful I've ever seen. So many "Third World" docs are kind of boring, whereas I couldn't stop watching this. I became completely engrossed in Rocky's evolution as a caretaker, and got really caught up in the children's stories. Absolutely brilliant, Oscar-worthy filming and writing. Oh yeah -- the fact that it's all true made it even more moving. I will keep Mr. Braat and his children in my prayers.

  • Porclen

    Hey Rocky Anna I just wanted to say this was a magnificent video.This video presented to me last night, watching channel eight. Your character was very much build by Gods grace. Staying strong and having that ego of courage is so amazing. This calling God has ask you to do is what makes this even wonderful. I myself was very much inspired. Syria really touched my heart because of a faithful servant you were to him but foremost to God and the key word is FAITH something most of generations mentally don't stand on. Sometimes I even catch myself loosing that virtue faith but, its words that you speak unto your self to know why, what,and where dose this really get you through the circumstances. Rocky you certainly passed the test. Became that brotherless,motherless,sisterless,or fatherless love that they did not have. Now you know the emotional suffering you didn't have. I think I'am late on commenting. Keep pushing and be lead in the right direction. :)

  • Lois Anne

    I stumbled upon the video. What a great chance of luck for me. As a social worker, I have seen the suffering our children. The unquestionable love Rocky has for his children is so touching and heartfelt. How can I help Rocky? Cloths, toys, games, money? I know I am not going to India, but am hoping I can help in some way. Thank you for all you do, and congradulations on your Marriage to Ninny.

  • GM

    God bless you and the sick children from south India!

  • F. Rose

    What an inspiring young man! It seems he found his "family" in India. A broken soul mended by helping these beautiful, sick children. Their stories brought me to tears, that any human would have to suffer so much and still endure. "All they have to give is their trust", Rocky you are so inpiring and selfless. Our kids have so much, and these children have nothing..this should be shown in school. we all need to be taught this lesson,love is the only currency. God bless you all.

  • Leonard

    Rocky is an Angel sent from God. If only the world had more people like him. Deeply moved by his convictions, strength, and love.

  • Harriet

    I wish all of us can at least be half of a human being as Rocky, this world will be such a great place to live in.

  • Rocky Braat

    Thanks everyone for your love and

  • d s ranga rao

    India needs more Rocky Annas, thanks to misgovernance everywhere, more misery and poverty is being perpetuated.

  • Robin

    Saw Blood Brother last night at Denton's Thin Line Film Fest - wonderful story! Rocky's heart is as big as Texas & India combined!

  • david Jones

    AmaZing Beautiful Human Spirit Prevailing Over Tragedy and Perils with sheer Volumes Of Massive Love,Compassion and Understanding. Rocky is a Modern Day "Mother Teresa."

  • sheetal

    what raw spirit! my deepest respect for rocky anna's journey..

  • Dominique

    It was incredibly inspiring the way this young man has dedicated his life to others. What a beautiful beautiful gift.

  • tamilyn

    the truth is what inspired me ..he spoke honestly and impacted me ..xo

  • Joanna

    It reminded me of the reason I'm moving to Rwanda, Africa. It's always good to reconnect with my purpose, especially when I get caught up in the details rather than the 'currency'. Christopher Lowman is one who is on the same path. Google his name and learn more

  • Aylea

    The sharing of seeing that it is Beautiful to Love others and reach out to them.

  • chad Harper

    Love is the only currency As far as I can see Your heart is pure humanity Thank you for sharing with me As you bless those children You bless all mankind Your story makes hearts grow Far and wide The grinch who stole Christmas Couldn't even resist this Cause what you give those kids Is an everyday wish list Of what we look at as sacrifice But I know for you it's the only life I have been to haiti and tasted this love It changed my life, that's what it does I came back home and began to think like you I soon must pack my things and move too Thank you Rocky for reminding me That love is the ONLY currency To my blood brother Chad Harper Peace Love and Hip

  • Trevor Nottage

    Some-one, one person can make a difference in the lives of others in practical ways and can inspire others to do the same with their life. How can I get a copy of this film to show in The Bahamas?

  • Patti

    Thank you~ the gift of love and the "currency" it becomes for others,this is a reminder for all of us.

  • tammie fowles

    Beautiful, heartbreaking, oh so real.... I encourage others to read his blog.

  • jawahar maharishi

    good heart with love is more valued than currencies

  • Arun Solochin

    It's inspiring. Where can I see the documentary???

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    We all need LOVE. Yes indeed. Thank you for taking a chance,making a choice and sharing YOUR LOVE. Hugs from my heart to yours. Kristin

  • John

    What an inspiring video!

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about Rocky's work: We Must So They Can. Read the heart-rending stories of what life is like for the abandoned children he loves.
  • India is third, behind South Africa and Nigeria, in terms of number of people living with HIV/AIDS. This report gives more information by state and by types of at-risk population, including women.
  • Help spread this message of love - share this story and film.

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