All emotions are beautiful and create a fullness and wholeness in our experience. They are powerful forces that our bodies can use as fuel for action and healing. Our thoughts create reality, not the other way around. So when our reality doesn't look the way we want it to and brings up emotions that are unpleasant to us, that is the message we are being given to start building a bridge between what is and what can be. Taking time to be aware of our reactions, thoughts and emotions will bring us into a space of clarity and balance where we can make informed decisions...that will usher in release and healing for ourselves and all of life around us.


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  • Kristin Pedemonti

    To not give up hope. To continue to live kindly, wisely and with humility ♡

  • Casoul

    Be….Just BE … “Be” lieve…Live Actively where You are, Be You on the Earth, in the center of the universe, amongst the Stars, know who YOU are, Know our Earth is our Home, our Mother, Love her, Protect her, Pray with her; for her…I was born in the woods in Northwest Wa, now in Alaska. Honor Your your Life, Mother Earth, your Soul and Your Life. Many Blessings, Love and Light ~ Aho, Namaste, Amen

  • Page 1

  • Spend some time getting to know Phoebe Barnard and learn how to feel deeply both the loss and the possibility of our current time and place.
  • Once we open to our deep grief, we have space to respond with great love, compassion and radical joy.
  • Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. The Talmud.

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