FLY BY LIGHT is an award-winning documentary about District teenagers breaking cycles of violence. The film follows four unforgettable young people on an eight-day journey into the mountains of West Virginia, leaving the streets of Washington, DC, to participate in an ambitious peace education program. Under the mentorship of artist educators and conflict resolution specialists, Mark, Corey, Martha and Asha begin to process and move on from the shootings, abuse and neglect of their past. But as they return to DC, each young person faces an unforgiving series of hurdles and roadblocks that challenge their efforts to build a better life. Through breathtaking visuals from street corners to mountaintops, FLY BY LIGHT is an intimate exploration of the chaotic, confusing and emotional journey to rewrite a young person’s future.


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  • Learn more about how crime can be reduced by offering trauma informed care for at-risk youth and adults.
  • Read more about the possibility of healing trauma through the arts. 
  • Before judging others who have acted out in some violent way, consider the trauma that they experienced growing up and how we as a society can offer compassionate care and help to ourselves and each other to heal from early trauma. 

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