Lani Froelich
First, I am also a singer so that got me interested in Crystal's story and secondly, I believe that sharing such stories connect us all as one human family.
Here's to all of us, the hope-givers, who forget as we so often do, the far-reaching ripples which we push out day after day after day, by our little but no less profound acts of kindness, through simple smiles, songs, thoughtful words and other kind acts. In spite of our failures and failings, or perhaps somehow strengthened by them, healing this world little by little wherever and whenever Love chooses to use us. Take heart, be courageous, Love.
I have suffered for quite some time with schizophrenia & depression. Music has been an extremely beneficial "antidote & medication" to help me get through life moment by moment. I too, isolated myself, & shut myself off from society feeling "too different." Through therapy, both clinical/spiritual/& musical, I have slowly but surely been on a path of rediscovery. Rediscovering who I am & who I can be, even & especially if that may be considered by others & myself as "different". Your story is very inspiring & close to my desires to "help others" with my story through song & music. Thank you for sharing a glimmer of your light to help ignite a spark in me that may explode into a brighter glimpse of hope for someone else. I will definitely look into the website OurBetterWorld.ORG. Thanks again... HHH...
I have issues with by speech and singing voice, due to a couple of health issues . Have always sung in Church Choirs, so it's a change to set in the congregation and mouth the words of the hymns. Whether my voice come back or not, I will continue to look for ways to use the talents God has given me. Thank you for the article, I've learn on the 70 plus years to give thanks for what you do have and the friends and family that support you in rough times.
So touched that she was willing and able to go beyond herself to connect deeply with others who experienced pain We all do as we must. Earth is a school for Evolution.
Kristin Pedemonti
Thank you, I agree that our own pain can be turned into hope for others and ourselves. when we share our stories and we share our journeys we can uplift others and provide a path out of pain. Thank you for sharing your story and gift. I do this too as a Cause Focused Storyteller who has lived through the challenge of a suicidal father, an alcoholic brother and my own journey through anorexia and depression. Once I started sharing my story, my own healing increased and other said I brought them hope. I also share stories collected on real life travels: widowed women in Kenya who were able to share their experiences with each other and heal through it, teens in Ghana working together to create job opportunities for youth, a young man in Haiti who built the first cyber cafe in his village. This is why we are here, to help each other. Hugs from my heart to yours, Kristin
Thanks Team. May our shared hope bring light to the Fellowship of Earth's People. Every light counts. Be encouraged. Peace
She went deeply into her pain and found joy in helping others who didn't know they had a voice.
pain really can transform. thank you for sharing such stories of hope... we stand at such a crossroad today, as a species... its time we connect with all and rise together... <3 thank you!
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