We don’t usually think of banks as generous businesses, and TD Canada Trust recognized this problem. Therefore, on July 25, TD decided to surprise its customers as a thank you for their business. While 1,000 people across Canada received a monetary gift, selected customers from four branches received something special, courtesy of an Automated Thanking Machine. Their gifts ranged from plane tickets to visit an ill family member to throwing the first pitch at a Blue Jays game. As recipients received a selected gift, the appreciation and gratitude was evident not only on their faces but in their hearts — you can bank on it.


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  • Carlos

    this are the kind of things that make me realize that kindness is still part of the humankind

  • Shams

    One of the most moving videos I've ever seen...I'm not sure why, but it is! Maybe because banks usually don't do this. Maybe because they chose people who were so deserving. Maybe because the ATM just kept giving. Thanks so much for sharing this. :-) ❤️💜💚💙

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about TD's stance on corporate responsibility.
  • You may be surprised to hear about this bank that operates for a social purpose.
  • Consider giving to a different type of bank that always give back: your local food bank.

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