Inocente is a talented, spirited, ambitious teenage artist. She is also homeless, living with her mother and younger brothers on the streets of San Diego. She knows that her life depends on her art -- in more ways than we can imagine. This trailer for the award-winning documentary captures the dreams, fears, and inspiring resiliency of this remarkable young woman.


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  • Memphis

    Academy Award® WINNER Best Documentary Short Subject, Told entirely in her own words, we come to Inocente’s story as she realizes her life is at a turning point, and for the first time, she decides to take control of her own destiny. Irreverent, flawed and funny, she’s now channeling her irrepressible personality into a future she controls. Her talent has finally been noticed, and if she can create a body of work in time, she has an opportunity to put on her first art show. Meanwhile, her family life is at a tense impasse – – if she legally emancipates herself from her mother to strike out on her own, she’ll risk placing her brothers in foster care, but to stay is unbearable.

  • Bluebethename

    That's one great video that just taught me that we can always choose our paths despite whatever the circumstances that we are in. She is an inspiration :) Would defenetely like to know what happened to her, whether this video had helped her by any means to get where she wants?

  • Penelope

    She has nothing and yet instead of complaining this young and gifted child is already doing something to insure herself a future. Most kids today are of the belief that if they don't have the latest in technology they have nothing. They should take a lesson from this child.

  • Huldah

    So, what happened to her? Where is she, today? Love her work!

  • Florence

    OK; I would like to know what happened to her and her family after this video. Is it that hard to give a home to a family? Are they living in a home now or do we just make movie about sad stories to inspire ourselves? Does someone know?

  • charlotte

    would like to see more of the film:)

  • charlotte

    She is amazing and I love her paintings. She has so much termination and hope to change her life. she is truly a amazing young women:)

  • Lin Dillon

    What an amazing young woman. So sure about her purpose and remaining true to that despite her situation. What an inspiration for the world. I hope that now that she has allowed us to witness her journey that she will go from strength to strength. Viva Innocente!

  • John Malcomson

    I am so glad enough people saw her strength and talent to make this film. i hope that this turns her and her family's life around and makes them more financially secure. Good Luck Inocente!

  • Chris

    Inocente has a precious gift that nourishes her soul. Her need to create is a heartfielt need to express herself. How beautiful that she chooses to share it with the world. Her inner home shines so brightly that those around her do not see anything else. Her face is her palette and her eyes illuminate her talent for all to appreciate!

  • Michelle

    The colors, the importance of home, reaching out to a talented person in need, the cost/value preciousness of human this video if you want to make room in your body to receive more good...

  • Juana

    inocente's beauty and her mother's obvious love for her. their tears.

  • shana

    pure courage, inspiration, resilience, life is flowing through her.

  • Theresa

    Inocente is a ray of sunshine in this troubling world, she has so much talent, determination, courage, heart is will go far and find security in this world. God Bless and guide you sweet angel!

  • dale

    Awesome. This site is soooo much better than prisonplanet. LOL. I've gone from $40hr to unemployment to nothing and have made my own way as an effort to NOT become homeless. Things will work out for this girl. She's very lucky she has this talent.

  • Barry David Butler

    I was Homeless for only a short while in my younger days and it changed me forever. I wrote this song called "HOMELESS & LIVING UNDER A BRIDGE" Barry David Butler Sebring, Florida Contact at

  • Sis Asha

    At her age, I would have given up and jumped into the sea with my Mom. My salute to her courage and resilience

  • pat

    the fact that Innocente knows what she wants to do from her soul and trusts that life will take care of her.

  • Marc

    She is afraid of kids finding out that she is homeless, but she is staring in a movie about it. That's how you step into vulnerability. If the movie teaches people one thing, I hope it gets that point across.

  • Larry Sherk

    She has totally freed herself from her socialization . . what we all need to do! Millions of non-homeless children also suffer from not finding their own path.

  • mimi

    How amazing she is. her strength--positive in spite of it all. Courage.

  • Chrisy

    Inocente's work is for sale


    There are plenty of children , like this those are homeless , and as a human being we should help and support them in all respect as per our capacity an capability is concern.But yes , as per Inocente is concern and according to this vedio ,she has already got into track and got his aim in life.Only we need to cooperate and support her.

  • Denise

    A home makes a big difference

  • Georgia Blackwood

    Such beautiful colour combinations. The use of swirl indicates infinity. That shows Innocents knows she has a skill that will go on and on and on... My dear Inocente continue with your gifting. Stay true to your calling and your joy will grow.

  • Gen Briggs

    She is art. The ebay address below did not work for me. I will try again. I would be interested in more information.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    What a beautiful deeply talented young lady. Shine on Innocent!!! <3 thank you for sharing her story. May she continue to receive the support she needs to share her art. Thank you for the GOOD Work you do! As a Storyteller I also focus on true tales of possibility and overcoming adversity; I just returned from donating workshops in Ghana and interviewing people about their projects, hopes & dreams. Next month I go to Haiti to do the same. So much talent in this world. thank you for Illuminating Innocentes. this is only the beginning for her! <3 & Hugs from my heart to both of yours.

  • Suzanne

    The beauty, simplicity and awesome paintings of this lovely young woman.

  • Terry

    Just saw the post from Steve regarding the art being on ebay. Thank you!! Inocente, you are a fabulous artist and an amazing person! I wish you all the luck in the world with your ebay sales!!

  • Terry

    I too would love to buy her art. I love it!

  • steve zimmett


  • steve zimmett

    Reading some of these comments: Cindy I wanna know where I can buy her art. Prints or originals. I want to support her, and I love it! Win Her at is on ebay

  • Alberto G.

    Human spirit is bright.

  • Nina

    To donate: "Shine Global is still raising funds for Inocente. Shine Global is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of children through the production of documentary films and media products that raise awareness and inspire change. All donations are tax-deductible." Cut and paste to donate here: I am not affiliated in any way; I simply googled after seeing this moving and beautiful trailer. May all beings know peace.

  • Colleen

    The intensely vibrant colors, the joyful feeling of her art, even that which she paints on her face despite the difficulty of being homeless is inspiring. She is a persevering young woman with some inner voice which shouts down the criticism of any messages from society or an obviously depressed mother and no apparent father.

  • Jiyun

    I would like to send her some money so that she can buy colors to continue her art. How can I send the money directly to her?

  • Cindy

    I wanna know where I can buy her art. Prints or originals. I want to support her, and I love it! Win win.

  • Priya

    She speaks her heart through her words and through her art....embodies something inside that is unstoppable! Touched me deeply....

  • Michael

    "If I become an artist. . ." Girl, you are an artist!! An inspiring artist full of passion and commitment. Don't stop.

  • Margot

    Her resilient, tenacious soul!

  • maureen


  • Vinanti

    Youthful voice from the heart ...

  • a.doshi

    totally amazing!

  • Page 1

  • The film trailer gives a small glimpse of the poverty and homelessness Inocente faces.  Get a sense of the other major obstacles she must overcome to realize her artistic promise.
  • Discover just how many children are homeless in the United States, in India, and around the world.
  • Spend a moment to imagine and appreciate the secret, hidden challenges that your friends and colleagues may have battled to become who they are today.

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