Today, we live in a money economy where we don't depend on gifts; we buy everything. Therefore, we don't need anybody. We have lost what is really important to us - community, connection, intimacy, meaning. In this short film, directed by Ian MacKenzie, Charles Eisenstein explains why we cannot live lives of meaning or create community by joint consumption. Only joint creativity and gifts create intimacy and connection.


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  • Machelikim

    The truth has never been spoken as it is spoken here....think about all of it!!!

  • Bill Connolly

    The truth has never been spoken as it is spoken here....think about all of it!!!

  • Cindy

    Its astoundingly true..:)

  • ikia

    Beautiful! Life can be effortless, divine & blissful! We make it hard.

  • Sudha

    So so true. Very wise words. In Southern, Oregon we have a couple of Barter Fairs which give people an opportunity to trade rather than use money. Joint creativity is brilliant conception which was the foundation of all human societies in the past. It is easy to see how consumerism has eclipsed the natural creative tendencies in the human population over the past century.

  • Page 1

  • Help support the completion of the full-length documentary, Occupy Love.
  • "Dama" is the gift economy practice that sustains communities in Mali, one of the most cash-poor nations in the world.
  •  Each person has a necessary and important gift to give.  How can you be of service today?

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