Francis Weller is a therapist and author who focuses on the soul rather than the mind. Unlike traditional treatment, Weller’s soul-centered psychotherapy involves combining teachings from indigenous cultures, spiritual practices, and western philosophies to craft a fresh way of interpreting and facing psychological issues. Weller is an expert on grief, having written books such as "The Wild Edge of Sorrow" and "The Threshold Between Loss and Revelation." In this 2013 discussion at the Minnesota Men’s Conference, Weller delves into the communal nature of grief, the various types of grief, the expressive virtue of anger, false happiness, and the two hands of grief and gratitude.


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  • Gary Abreim

    Francis speaks to the deepest part of me.

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  • To learn more about Francis Weller, his rituals for grief and listen to audio recordings, visit his website.
  • Gratitude is the other side of grief. Watch and listen to A Grateful Day, with Brother David Steindl-Rast.
  • Grief is something we tend to keep to ourselves or within a small circle. The next time grief seeps into your life, remember the communal side, and reach out to others to share where you are – they may have their own to share with you as well.

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