Take a few minutes to enjoy this visual journey of beauty and serenity through cycles of light, water, wind and earth. Consider your relationship to these elements; consider the oneness of all life.


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  • Michel Jansen

    I am that, I am. And then to know that we only see a fraction of the beauty of nature, pure energy.

  • silvija

    It brought silence in my heart and tears in my eyes watching this amazing movie..so beautiful made for cherishing and loving and remembering.thank you!

  • virginia

    I was inspired by peace. Thank you for making me think how beautiful it is to watch the rain coming down.

  • bob

    beauty like this is always there - from a flower to a rock to a scene that unfolds before our eyes we just have to be aware enough to 'see' it - recognize it and not try to assign any value other than the beauty that is there --

  • Cora

    that was a very beautiful film . it is so amazing the world we live in . it is to bad what can happen to hurt our country we should be proud of what we have

  • miguelina

    everything is there, we just have to be awere of it that is how made it

  • Kathy

    natural beauty like this could NEVER have come from a 'big bang'. Only the Creator could design something as beautiful as this.

  • pavan

    you should talk to nature,to understand yourself what you want,and how.

  • sethi

    Thank you for sharing .

  • Shirley Marsh

    Nature is our teacher, wish we were better students!

  • vasu21koti

    nice one...............

  • Diane

    We often are surrounded by this kind of beauty. beauty is everywhere. Artist make us become aware of it, from time to time.Beauty feed my soul. I get the message : Pay attention ! Appreciate what is there, NOW! Thank you for showing instead of telling me. It works.

  • Brian

    That's the kind of peace we all need...thanks guys...

  • Jeffrey Farrar Dean

    Not all life is so deserving.

  • justbe

    kya baat hai: )

  • rohit bhatia

    really nostalgic

  • pardhu

    i like this video

  • Amy

    the incredible Light at the heart of everything...

  • Lisa

    The flocks of flying birds! They are so synchronized and together.

  • Dennis

    The flock of birds where capitavating...I instantly thought of spirits floating around above us..and I wondered how all those bird know when to turn so swiftly together...and who is the alfa bird that decides there flight pattern. The serene peacefulness of God in Nature.

  • jay


  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Beautiful. I needed this inspiration today as I try to write the book on my volunteer project; feeling blocked. This helped. Thank you! We are all indeed interconnected.

  • veena arora

    Its SoOoOOOO beautiful .....totly rhythmic rly thanxxx a ton...!!!

  • cj

    It brought me tranquility. Thank you.

  • June

    That there are no filters of race, nationality, age, or creed on the list of people who see and respond to the natural world. I loved the swirling flock of birds.

  • Tamilyn

    Endless rhythms....fabulous direction for my contemplations today ..i thank you :)

  • Aleia

    Thank you Mother Earth for all your beauty. May we learn to be more conscious guardians.

  • Rakhee

    I love this. It's so stunning and makes me want to spend more time in nature. I almost didn't want to hear the music, but rather the ambient sound of the particular location, even if it's just air and silence.

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about the Global Oneness Project, which aims to challenge us to rethink our relationship to the world.
  • Explore the cycle of water, one of the elements featured in this video.
  • Marvel at one of the mysteries of life, such as the murmuration of starlings.

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